Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Clinicians overlook alcohol problems if patients are not intoxicated

ScienceDaily (July 31, 2012) ? Medical staff struggle to spot problem drinking in their patients unless they are already intoxicated, according to research by the University of Leicester.

The work led by Dr Alex J Mitchell, consultant at Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust and honorary senior lecturer at the University, reveals that clinical staff often overlook alcohol problems in their patients when they do not present intoxicated.

In a new study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry August 1 involving 20,000 patients assessed for alcohol problems by medical staff, all clinicians struggled to detect alcohol problems whether or not patients volunteered information regarding their drinking.

1 in 4 of the adult population in England (33% of men and 16% of women) consumes alcohol in a way that is potentially harmful to their health and 6% of men are alcohol dependent (Pilling et al, 2011). 1 in 6 primary care patients have an alcohol use disorder or are alcohol dependent.

General practitioners (GPs) identified 40% of problem drinkers, hospital doctors identified 50% of problem drinkers and mental health specialists recognised 55% of problem drinkers. Clinicians correctly recorded a diagnosis in the case-notes for only 1 in 3 people who had an alcohol problem. Only alcohol intoxication was accurately identified. A&E clinicians were able to correctly detect patients with alcohol intoxication in 9 out of 10 patients. In research studies where patients admitted to a drinking problem by self report, the same rates of under-detection occurred.

Assessing for alcohol problems in patients using a short questionnaire is recommended by the UK Primary Care Service Framework and NICE but not widely implemented by clinicians.

Dr Alex Mitchell said: "This study highlights that clinical identification of alcohol problems is challenging in busy clinical environments. When clinicians try and spot alcohol problems they often miss patients who have serious alcohol problems but who are not currently intoxicated. Further they can misidentify about 5% of 'normal drinkers' as problem drinkers.

"Clinicians are not always sure what questions to ask or what screening tests to apply. We did not find that patients refused to admit alcohol problems, in fact it was more common for patients to disclose problem drinking when asked to self-report than the number found by clinicians judgement alone."

"There needs to be a greater awareness of the importance of carefully assessing alcohol problems for non-intoxicated patients. Patient responses to questioning about drinking habits should not be assumed to be misleading but questioning must be handled sensitively."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Leicester, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Alex J. Mitchell, Nick Meader, Vicky Bird and Maria Rizzo. Clinical recognition and recording of alcohol disorders by clinicians in primary and secondary care: meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2012 DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.091199

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/G25AwXwlh00/120731201212.htm

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Senate report calls for congressional action on for-profit colleges

(Reuters) - U.S. for-profit colleges care more about how much they earn than about their students and need more rules to govern them, according to a U.S. Senate report published on Sunday.

The report blamed colleges, such as Apollo Group's University of Phoenix and Washington Post's Kaplan, for their poor quality of education and wasting billions of dollars of taxpayers' money.

The report - which concludes a two-year long investigation led by Tom Harkin, chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee - mostly reiterated earlier findings, but called for Congress to take legislative action to control the industry.

"The available evidence shows that many for-profit colleges make decisions that prioritize their bottom line, even when those decisions limit their students' opportunities for academic success," the report said.

For-profit colleges, which received $32 billion in federal aid in 2009-10 to fund student loans, frequently misuse government funds, attract students through deceptive advertising, and burden students with debt without providing them with good job prospects, investigations have revealed.


The report, titled 'For profit higher education: the failure to safeguard the federal investment and ensure student success,' blamed Congress for not doing enough to make for-profits accountable for taxpayer money.

"Congress has failed to adjust the unique legislative framework that governs this sector of higher education to ensure that the demands of shareholders and investors do not overrun those of taxpayers and students," it said.

The report called for significant policy changes to govern the sector, which it said were necessary to fill capacity gaps in the U.S. education system.

It said Congress needs to examine placing more rigorous performance-based limitations on access to federal funds and should prevent colleges from spending the funds on marketing.

The report also suggested that colleges should be required to provide a minimum standard of student services, including tutoring, remediation, financial aid, and career counseling and job placement.

BMO Capital Markets analyst Jeff Silber said while the proposals could pass the Senate, it may prove difficult to get them passed through the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

The U.S. Department of Education had introduced rules last year to improve the quality of these colleges, but some of these were struck down by the courts.

The new rules introduced last year prompted a sharp fall in profits and student enrollments at most for-profit colleges.

(Reporting by A. Ananthalakshmi in Bangalore; Editing by Supriya Kurane)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/senate-report-calls-congressional-action-profit-colleges-140145464--sector.html

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All the American Flags On the Moon Are Now White [Video]

NASA has finally answered a long-standing question: all but one of the six American flags on the Moon are still standing up. Everyone is now proudly talking about it. The only problem is that they aren't American flags anymore. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/TQa5pBxoMgk/all-the-american-flags-on-the-moon-are-now-white

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What Are the Different Types of Thermometers?

A thermometer is an instrument used to measure the temperature. It can measure the temperature of a body or even of air or atmosphere. It helps in regulating chemical reactions by controlling temperatures of the solutions. It also used to measure the melting points of different solids and boiling points of liquids.

There are several types of thermometers. The main types are: 1. Liquid-in-glass thermometers. 2. Bimetallic strip thermometers. 3. Electrical thermometers. 4. Gas thermometers.

The descriptions of each type of thermometers are below:

i. Liquid-in-glass thermometers:

The most common liquid-in-glass thermometers make use of mercury or alcohol as thermometric liquid. These thermometers work on the principle that liquids expand on heating. A thermometer of this type made up of a glass tube with a narrow bore through it. At the bottom of the glass tube, a small bulb has blown which works as the reservoir of the liquid. The glass tube has filled with mercury or alcohol. It then puts in a hot bath. Some amount of the. The liquid will expel from the tube. The thermometer?s range has decided by the temperature of the bath. Finally, its upper end is sealed. The sealed glass tube now puts on ice to mark the lower fixed point. Then it put in another hot bath to mark the upper fixed point, which indicates the maximum temperature for which the thermometer has been constructed. The distance between the lower fixed point and upper fixed point divided into equal parts. When we wish to measure the temperature, the thermometer puts in contact with that body. When it comes into the contact, the liquid expands and stops when the temperature of the bulb becomes equal to the temperature of the body whose temperature has measured. The temperature then reads from the upper point of the liquid.

Mercury as a thermometric liquid, has certain advantages. It is a good conductor of heat. It does not stick to the walls of the glass. It is bright and easily visible. Its freezing point and boiling point have sufficient range of temperature and hence can be used to make thermometers of wide range freezing point-39?C and boiling point 357?C. On the other hand, although alcohol doesn?t have so many advantages it can also be used as a thermometric liquid. For a given temperature, it expands more than mercury. While using it in thermometers it is usually dyed red or blue.

The ordinary thermometers used in chemical laboratories are usually mercury thermometers. Clinical thermometers also contain mercury. Meteorologists use ?maximum? and ?minimum? thermometers to record the highest and lowest temperatures of the day. It contains both mercury and alcohol

ii. Bimetallic strip thermometers:

A bimetallic strip thermometer consists of a strip of two different metal?s having different co-efficient of expansion. The two metals are usually brass and Invar. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, while Invar is an alloy of iron and nickel. The two strips are joined together. When the temperature changes, the two metals expand and contract at different rates because of different co-efficient of expansion. This causes the strip to bend. The strip is attached to a pointer, which indicates the temperature.

Bimetallic strip thermometers are used in refrigerators for temperature control. They are also used in thermometer. A the thermometer records a graph of temperature. Instead of a pointer, a pen is attached to the bimetallic strip, which records the temperature on a moving chart. The chart of the temperature is called a thermo gram.

iii. Electrical thermometers:

There are two common forms of electrical thermometers: 1. resistance thermometer and 2. thermocouple thermometers.

A resistance thermometer works on the principle that the resistances of metals increase with the rise in temperature. A resistance thermometer consists of a sealed tube containing tightly-coiled platinum wire. As the temperature increases, the resistance of the platinum wire also increases. By measuring the resistance, the temperature is determined.

A thermocouple thermometer consists of wires of two different metals. One of the junctions of the wires is kept in ice and the other with the source whose temperature is to be measured. Thermocouple changes heat into electricity and produces a voltage known as thermo e.m.f.. The voltage varies according to temperature. The voltage is applied to a galvanometer needle and the galvanometer needle shows the current which is calibrated in terms of temperature.

iv. Gas thermometers:

In these thermometers, gases like air, nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium are used as thermometric substances. These thermometers are of two types: 1. constant volume thermometers and 2. constant pressure thermometers. They work on the principle that gases expand on heating. By recording the expansion of gas, the temperature is measured.

Now the question arises, what are the different scales of temperature during use?

There are four scales of temperature 1. Celsius scale 2. Fahrenheit scale 3. Reaumur scale and 4. Absolute scale of temperature. The Celsius or Centigrade scale has 0? as the freezing point of water and 100? as the boiling point of it. Fahrenheit scale has 32? as the freezing point of water and 212? the boiling point. Reaumur scale has the 0? as the freezing point of water and 80? the boiling point. Absolute scale has 273?as the freezing point of water and 373? as the boiling point. -273? Celsius is the lowest temperature which has not yet been achieved. This is also called absolute zero.

Thermometers are very useful for us. They are used by doctors, in factories, laboratories, weather sciences etc. Even in the Coldest Places in the World, many kinds of Thermometers active to measure the temperature.

Source: http://toddsblogs.com/referenceandeducation/2012/07/31/what-are-the-different-types-of-thermometers/

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College rampage threat 5 days after the Colorado shooting leads to arrest

Five days after the Colorado shooting, a Kent State sophomore allegedly 'tweeted' profanities and threats at university president, threatening to 'shoot up' the school.?

By Mark Guarino,?Staff Writer / July 30, 2012

William Koberna is seen in an undated booking photo provided by the Kent State University Police. Authorities say a Koberna, 19, a Kent State University student, allegedly posted a message on Twitter saying he planned to "shoot up" the northeastern Ohio campus. He was arrested Sunday.

Kent State University Police/AP


A sophomore at Ohio?s Kent State University pleaded not guilty Monday to charges that he threatened the school?s president, allegedly saying in a posting to the microblog service Twitter that ?I?m shooting up your school ASAP.?

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William Koberna?s alleged threat on July 25 came just days after a graduate student methodically shot and killed a dozen people at a Colorado movie theater, stunning the nation and rekindling the fiery debate over gun control in the US.

It was unclear what sparked Mr. Koberna's threat but it highlighted the complexities related to the First Amendment and its expression through in?the exploding social media universe of Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and other sites.

Police arrested Koberna, 19, at his parents? suburban Cleveland home on Sunday after university contacted police about his profanity-laced Twitter postings directed at university President Lester Lefton and the phrase ?I?m shooting up your school ASAP.??

At his arraignment Monday in Portage County Municipal Court in Raenna, Ohio, Koberna, a computer science major, pleaded not guilty to?inducing panic, which is a felony, and aggravated menacing, which is a misdemeanor, according to?newsnet5.com. During the hearing, he told Judge Mark Frankhauser he has ?no prior criminal record ? not even a speeding ticket.? ?

No weapons were found at his parents? house.?Bail was set at $50,000 and he was ordered to stay off campus and have no contact with Mr. Lefton.

The university says he also faces hearings that could results in a suspension or dismissal.

The incident again highlights the power and pitfalls of social media where users can be quick to post a comment or blast out an email that can ricochet around the Internet in seconds. When it comes to rules determining unprotected speech, social media is no different than any other technology ? from a newspaper article to a postal letter, says Chris Hansen, a staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union in New York City.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/AStWIEml1TE/College-rampage-threat-5-days-after-the-Colorado-shooting-leads-to-arrest

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4 Block Formula Helped Me To Start My Internet Business In 7 Days ...

What if you discovered how to get started in 7 days or less building a targeted list of subscribers?

Do you want to know how you can earn massive profits using this list by using a simple plan?

Here are 4 simple steps to get you started.

Step 1 ? Create one piece of content in your niche.

Step 2 ? Submit them to article directories.

Step 3 ? Create one follow up email.

Step 4 ? Promote your product to your list.

The purpose of this article is to show you exactly what I do and how you can use this simple step by step formula to build your online business.

Here are step by step details to get you started right now.

Step 1 ? Create one piece of content in your niche.

Write one 400 word article in your niche. Make sure that your article provides valuable content to your readers.

When you have your article ready you can move towards the next step.

Once your content is ready it is important that you get started submitting your content?

Step 2 ? Submit them to article directories.

Submit your 400 word article to various article directories.

To get instant traffic to your website I would advise you to submit your article to ezinearticles.com

To get long term ranking and incoming links to your website use mass submission software to submit your articles to various article directories in your niche.

Convert your article into an email. It is easy to do this?

Step 3 ? Create one follow up email.

Convert your article into an email.

Break every line of your article into 55 characters.

Provide valuable content to your list and recommend your product or service to your list of subscribers?

Step 4 ? Promote your product to your list.

Recommend your product in your email. Your email will give valuable content to your readers.

At the end of the email recommend your product to your subscribers.

This will increase the sales conversion rate of your product.

Execute the above process for one article in your niche.

Use the process to write and submit 5 articles every single day.

If you will do this you will notice that your website traffic, leads and sales will keep increasing on daily basis.

Do you want to learn how I do it? Download this ?FREE Report? and Discover How I Created a Killer Cash-Pulling-Machine that Attracts 23,883 Visitors and Earns $6665.49 on Autopilot from just 20 Days of Lazy Work?

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How did I start my own internet business? Use this formula right now.

Source: http://getarticles.web-how-to.com/4-block-formula-helped-me-to-start-my-internet-business-in-7-days-using-the-power-of-list-building/

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

New York Post: Anthony Weiner May Run For Mayor - Business Insider

According to The New York Post, Anthony Weiner is seriously considering a run for mayor next year.

The Mayorship was a position he'd known to be coveting until he accidentally tweeted out inappropriate pictures last year, leading to his resignation from Congress.

The article is filled with penis jokes including the first line, which is: "Anthony Weiner?s not shrinking from elected office."

And the URL calls it a re-erection campaign, see... (via @lafsky)

At first we thought this might be a hoax, because at The New York Post, you can change the URL to whatever you want provided you leave the end-slug in place.

So for example this link works too...

But the "re_erection_campaign" URL is actually the URL you get when you click on the link Tweeted out by the New York Post, which we've embedded...

So yes, if Weiner does plan to run again, there are going to be a lot of jokes.

Somewhat corroborating the Post story is this report from Friday by DNAInfo, which notes that his campaign spending has been ramping up (he's never actually shut down his campaign organization, and he has a lot of money).

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/new-york-post-anthony-weiner-may-run-for-mayor-2012-7

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Cuba says cholera outbreak not spreading

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/cuba-says-cholera-outbreak-not-spreading-180954358.html

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Would a Dell Windows XP Installation CD work on a Custom made computer?

So as you may be aware, it is possible to automate the installation of a Windows operating system. Basically the "Dell" installation CD is really just Windows XP + specific device drivers embedded into the install process and possibly other Dell specific items. I suspect that you should be able to get through the installation minus device drivers.

With regard to the keys, Home edition and professional will have different keys. otherwise, people would buy the home edition and use the key on professional.


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This is a new one, i don't know if you allready treated something like this, but i want to find a future and better solution. Ok, this is it. I have this windows xp machine at work (P4 3 Ghz, 512MB RAM, 80Gb HDD, VideoOnBoard), friday at 12:00 i try ...

Source: http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/threads/428099/would-a-dell-windows-xp-installation-cd-work-on-a-custom-made-computer

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Art of Business - Negotiating With Chinese Businesses

8:00 AM By Article Directory

'; div.innerHTML = summary; } //]]> The Art of Business - Negotiating With Chinese Businesses The Art of Business - Negotiating With Chinese Businesses

Because of the global nature of our economy, it has become important for businessmen all across the globe to learn how to deal with people of varying cultures. Every culture handles business transactions and negotiations differently. Since China is such a powerhouse on the world economic scene, it is essential to understand the strategy of the Chinese negotiation. This will make negotiating with Chinese companies far easier. Let's discuss a few strategies for negotiating with Chinese manufacturers.

Language is a common barrier in foreign trade. If you need to strike a deal with a Chinese manufacturer, then having a good translator can be the key to putting together a deal that will make everyone happy. Don't be afraid to review things at the end of the meeting. Do not take for granted that everyone understood clearly what was decided upon.

The Chinese prefer face-to-face meetings over video conferencing. If you have a big deal that needs to go down, invest in a trip to China. The personal touch will help you to seal a good deal. And don't expect the meetings to be short. Even issues that were resolved in previous negotiations will likely be on the table again.

When you are negotiating with Chinese manufacturers, be wary of the silences in conversation. It likely means that your demands cannot be met. If you do ask for unrealistic amounts of product, then you are likely to get an inferior product. This is a common strategy of the Chinese negotiation that helps to maintain their already low profit margins. This makes it important to shoot for quality in your negotiating with Chinese manufacturers, rather than just trying to scope out the cheapest price.

To ensure that the project is feasible, ask them to make some samples. You may not get exactly what you want on the spot, but at least you will be able to gauge whether or not the manufacturer can handle the project. This goes back to the Chinese attitude of not wanting to say no that results in awkward silences rather than a rejection of an offer.

Learn about the cost of the product to the manufacturer. Again, because of low profit margins, negotiating with Chinese companies is all about knowing the numbers. If you know what their material costs are and what they are paying in labor, then you can determine the rate you should be able to receive on production.

The Chinese are a highly efficient people, and it makes sense that many companies turn to them for manufacturing quality products at a low cost. But negotiating with Chinese manufacturers requires a lot of homework in order to be successful. Follow the advice you are finding, and strike a good deal.

Source: http://business-negotiation.blogspot.com/2012/07/art-of-business-negotiating-with.html

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SPORTS: Quick and Seemingly Easy ? White Hall All-Stars seal victory over Hot Sp...

Quick and Seemingly Easy | Pine Bluff Commercial Online


Carson Alexander, third from left, is congratulated by his White Hall teammates after smashing a solo home run in the first inning of a 14-0 victory over Hot Springs on Thursday. (Pine Bluff Commercial/William Harvey)

Source: http://www.facebook.com/pinebluffcommercial/posts/371262732941277

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Friday, July 13, 2012

W. Volleyball. Three Lobos Return from BIP/USA Volleyball Global Challenge in China

July 13, 2012

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.--Lobo volleyball student-athletes Hannah Johnson and Elsa Krieg, and assistant coach Lisa Beauchene recently returned from a 13-day excursion to China where they played six matches against three of China's top professional teams. The UNM trio traveled with 24 other players and coaches through the Bring It Promotions/USA Volleyball Global Challenge, a development program organized by BIP and supported by USAV.

The three Lobos landed back in Albuquerque late Thursday night and were back to work in Johnson Gym on Friday coaching at UNM's Advanced Skills Camp. All three admitted they were putting forth extra effort to push through jet lag, but they were eager to share the highlights of their experience--competitive volleyball, incredible sights and a renewed appreciation for home.

The journey began in the United States at the American Sports Complex in Anaheim, Calif., home of the USA National Teams. All who were traveling to China assembled for two days of training before flying overseas. The players were split in to two squads--The All-Star team (USA Blue) and the Development team (USA Red). Both Johnson and Krieg were placed on the All-Star team, and Beauchene served as the assistant coach, working with Kyle Robinson, head coach at Long Island University. The All-Stars were comprised of seven players with professional experience (six of which were All-Americans) and five collegiate players.

Despite the impressive pedigree of the "USA All-Stars," as their Chinese hosts insisted on calling them, the team lost all six of its matches--three in Tianjin ("Tin-gin') and three in Beijing--managing to win just one set. The professional Chinese teams play a very fast and efficient style of play, which all three Lobos agreed was an unexpected discovery.



"It was very challenging, even for the professional players on our team that have played at that level," Beauchene said.

It seemed like the Chinese teams didn't have a weakness--they hit hard, had perfect or at least playable passes and were solid from behind the service line. No top-spin serves--just solid floaters.

"There were only a few that did jump float serves," Krieg, a sophomore, said. "Most of them just stood behind the line and hit it right at you as hard as they could."

Johnson, a redshirt freshman, said the teams they played used quick, trick plays that caught the All-Stars off guard at first, but eventually they were able to adjust to the spastic play.

Both Krieg and Johnson played a fair amount and agreed they got a lot out of the experience volleyball-wise.

Johnson was the setter for the set that the All-Stars won and Krieg excelled at the net--recording as many as six blocks in one set, and at the service line.

The fast-paced play called for heightened focus on the opposing teams' hitters.

"You really have to stay disciplined and you have to watch what is going on instead of trying to guess," Krieg explained. "Lisa B (Beauchene) kept telling me to stay disciplined and balanced."

Learning from the competition was another important part of the volleyball experience.

"For me, watching the setter on the other side [was helpful]," Johnson said. "She had great ball control, she knew who she was going to set. She ran her offense really well and it helped me to think about how I could run my offense with the team in China and how I should run it back here with our hitters at UNM."

Beauchene, too, felt the trip benefited her.

"It was a good experience coaching talented and athletic U.S. players and working through playing against the Chinese offense," Beauchene said.

Off the court, the All-Stars had some opportunities to visit some of China's biggest attractions - The Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square, to name a few. The group didn't get to tour any of the facilities used for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, but they drove by the Bird's Nest and Olympic Park.

From the comforts of UNM volleyball's team room, the Lobos expressed a renewed appreciation for home.

"It was a culture shock," Krieg said of her time in China.

Johnson agreed and added: "It makes us feel very grateful for what we have here in the States."

The student-athletes described some of the restrictions in China that people in the United States don't really think twice about.

"We have the right to buy a car whenever we want--they have to be in a lottery to get a car and they can only drive their car certain days of the week," Johnson explained. "They have to pay for their housing by the square meter; it's very expensive."

Even something as common as a bathroom was a cultural experience for the American tourists as the commonplace commode was a rarity and finding a real toilet there was a luxury.

To learn more about Bring It Promotions/USA Volleyball Development, click here.

Johnson and Krieg and the rest of the Lobo volleyball squad officially begin practice on Aug. 9.

Other Lobos on the move this summer...
Chantale Riddle participated in the 2012 U.S. National Women's A2 Program in Columbus, Ohio June 26-July 4. The redshirt sophomore was one among 48 of the nation's top returning collegiate players to participate in the program. The group assembled and spent two full days training before splitting in to teams for a round robin tournament. Riddle's team went 4-1 in match play.

Lobo junior libero Miquella Lovato is currently in Croatia on a Global Challenge tour and will return in roughly a week and a half.

Source: http://onlyfans.cstv.com/schools/nm/sports/w-volley/spec-rel/071312aab.html

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Twin Lakes Golf Course, Goleta, CA

Phone: (805) 964-1414

Twin Lakes Golf Course, Goleta, CA

Website: http://www.twinlakesgolf.com/teetimes.htm

Course History:

This is one of the nicest nine hole golf courses in the area. Although seven of the holes are par three, there are two very challenging par fours on the course. Even though this is a short course, it is a lot of fun for the whole family to play. Pros can enjoy the unique layout and it is not too much for novices to handle. This is a great place to take the kids if they are interested in learning more about golfing. Several pros are on staff and lessons are offered for all ages.

What You Need to Know:

Please note that all players must have clubs if they will be on the course, no sharing is allowed. The course has made it very economical by offering $6 rentals for those who do not have their own clubs. Three Class A PGA pros are teaching here right now and the main focus of the course is learning more about the game. You'll find a very well stocked pro shop here that is on par with even the best 18 hole courses.

In addition, the practice facilities are absolutely top notch and many players travel here just for these amenities. Yardage amounts are provided by laser guided markers and the facility is lit so you can keep practicing late at night. Overall, for the money, this is an incredibly great value.

Playing Hints:

This is a nice, straightforward course that can offer a great 2 hour vacation. The first few holes are pretty easy and will provide a good warm up for the par four that you'll get to by hole number 4. Things get a little more challenging after this point.

You'll be dealing with a sharp dogleg on the sixth hole. We recommend hanging a little to the left so you'll have a clear shot to the green from your first or second shot, depending on the length of your drive. If you have a tendency to slice, watch out for the big lake on the right of this hole.

Speaking of the lake, you'll need to mind it while you're playing fifth and seventh holes as well. With careful aim, most players should be able to avoid it just fine. There is also a stream that cuts right in front of the green on the seventh hole. We recommend pulling up a little short on your approach so you can iron over this to get to the green.

View Larger Map

Course Fees:

Weekday Green Fees (excluding holidays)



Senior (65 & over)


Students (I.D. Required)


Juniors (17 & under)




Bonus Play Cards (weekdays only)

Senior Cards (10 Rounds)


Adult (10 rounds)


Mens/Ladies Club (play days)


Driving Range

Small-(1) Tokens


Medium-(2) Tokens


Large- (3) Tokens


Golf Carts

Adult Single Rider


Adult Double Rider


Senior Single Rider


Adult Double Rider




Club Rentals*



*All players must have their own bag and set of clubs

Originally posted 2008-09-29 05:05:25. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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CA, driving range, Goleta, golf courses, Lessons Available

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ahead of the Bell: US Trade Deficit

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], 'http://yhoo.it/KeQd0p', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], ' http://yhoo.it/KpUoHO', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], 'http://yhoo.it/LqYjAX ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], 'http://yhoo.it/JUSxvi', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], 'http://bit.ly/JnoJYN', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], 'http://bit.ly/KoKiqJ', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], 'http://abcn.ws/KTE5AZ', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], 'http://yhoo.it/JD7nlD', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], 'http://bit.ly/JRPFRO', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], 'http://yhoo.it/GV9zpj', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/white-house-stays-out-of-teen-s-killing-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/cv/ip/ap/default/120411/martinzimmermen.jpg', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/navy-jet-crashes-in-virginia-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/cv/ip/ap/default/120406/jet_ap.jpg', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/russian-grannies-win-bid-to-sing-at-eurovision-1331223625-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/a/p/us/news/editorial/1/56/156d92f2760dcd3e75bcd649a8b85fcf.jpeg', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ahead-bell-us-trade-deficit-110211021.html

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Ohio freight train derails, causing fiery blast

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) ? Exploding freight cars full of ethanol made for a dramatic early morning scene in Ohio's capital on Wednesday, but officials said the train derailment that led to a hurried evacuation of an urban neighborhood could have been much worse.

The National Transportation Safety Board dispatched a 10-person team to investigate the derailment on the Norfolk Southern Corp. tracks, which led to spectacular explosions and the burning of three tank cars each carrying 30,000 gallons of ethanol.

Officials said they don't know yet what caused the accident, which occurred at around 2 a.m. in an industrial area near Interstate 71, north of downtown. The explosions were felt for blocks and sent flames shooting high in the air.

Two people were injured while walking on the tracks to investigate when a second explosion occurred. Officials said they went to the hospital themselves with minor injuries.

Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman, who later Wednesday visited a temporary Red Cross shelter set up for evacuees, said the accident could have been worse if it had occurred in an area where more people lived.

"I'm grateful, in one respect as well, that this did not occur in a more populated area near more residents," he said. "It very well could have. A mile up or a mile south. North or south, east or west. It could have been tragic in other ways as well."

Assistant Chief David Whiting of the Columbus fire division said it was fortunate the accident occurred in the middle of the night.

"The time it occurred, where it occurred, were very good things for us," Whiting said. "Because we didn't have a whole lot of people around, businesses were closed, we were able to take care of getting our firefighters back and evacuating a small number of people."

About 100 residents who live within a 1-mile radius of the derailment were evacuated by firefighters, who decided to let the fire burn itself out, according to Whiting. Officials said the burning ethanol, an alcohol compound commonly used in fuel, posed no environmental or health concerns. Residents were back in their homes by mid-afternoon.

Nicholas Goodrich, a 35-year-old grocery store employee from Columbus, said he and two other people got as close as 100 feet from the explosion.

"Looking at it, I thought it was an atomic bomb or something," he said. "The heat was so excruciating that I had to ball up and cover my body."

Norfolk Southern spokesman Dave Pidgeon said the 98-car-freight train was traveling from Chicago to Linwood, N.C. Around 11 cars ended up going off the tracks, including the three hauling ethanol. Nobody aboard the train was hurt.

Joel Priester said he watched the blast from his home about two blocks away.

"I saw flames, then I heard a loud sound, like a boom, and saw the flames shooting higher," he said. "It looked like the sun exploded."

Patricia Reilly, a spokeswoman for the American Association of Railroads, said freight train accidents are uncommon, given the volume of freight that is transported around the country by trains.

Roughly 29.4 million carloads of freight are hauled every year across 140,000-plus miles of rail in the United States, she said. Of that, 1.8 million carloads are categorized as varying hazardous materials. Last year, about 325,000 carloads of ethanol were hauled over those lines.

Last year was one of the safest years ever for U.S. railroads, Reilly said.

"I think one accident is a horrible thing," she said. "But it's always a good education to understand in context what that represents in the big picture."


Associated Press writers Barbara Rodriguez in Columbus and Shelley Adler in Washington contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ohio-freight-train-derails-causing-fiery-blast-090839670.html

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Video: New article finds members of Congress are scrubbing their Wikipedia pages

Unbearable blushing leads son to suicide

??Steven and Dawn Thomas of Renton, Wash., are speaking out about their son Brandon, 20, who committed suicide in May after struggling for years with crippling, chronic blushing. An estimated 5 percent to 7 percent of the population may suffer from the condition.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/vp/48141590#48141590

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5 Garden Weeds You Can Eat!

Has the heat killed your garden and left nothing but weeds? Then why not eat those weeds?

Last year at this time we reported on five healthy weeds likely growing in or near your yard: dandelion, plantain, purslane, lamb's-quarters, and stinging nettles. Each one of these is a tasty powerhouse of nutrition. Raw purslane, a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, offers a perfect tart punch to any smoothie; lamb's-quarters, one of the most nutritionally dense foods known, cooks in seconds in a stir-fry and has a nutty spinach taste.

The list of edible weeds doesn't stop there, though. Here are five more, as surprisingly tasty and nutritious as they are common, even in severe drought conditions.? Just be aware of air and soil quality of where you harvest, along with any allergies you might have to similar-looking or tasting foods.


Burdock's claim to fame is that its burrs were the inspiration for Velcro. Get some on your socks, and you'll know why. But long before those purple flowers and troublesome burrs form, the plant has a long, thin root that is edible.

The infamous burrs don't appear until the second year of growth in this biennial plant. By midsummer during the first year, you can identify the plant by its display of massive dark-green leaves fairly low to the ground. The brown taproot can be up to 2 feet long. That's a lot of fine eating. You'll need a shovel to get this out. Don't be surprised if you pull and get only a couple inches' worth. This is a true weed that doesn't surrender easily. (The taproot helps it survive the drought.)

Burdock roots are edible raw, but this might be quite a chew. You can slow roast them like parsnips or chop and toss them into soups. Burdock is the wild version of the cultivated Japanese vegetable gobo, which can grow 3 to 4 feet long. It is rich in insulin and many trace minerals, such as manganese and magnesium. [7 Perfect Survival Foods]


Here's a neighbor's flower you don't have to pick in secret, especially if you kindly wait until the end of the day. As the name almost implies, daylilies bloom only for a day. Then the blossom falls off.

That blossom is sweet and rich in vitamin A. You can eat them raw in a salad, lightly batter and pan-fry them, or dry them for long-term storage (sold as "golden needles" in Asian supermarkets). Come fall, the plant's white tubers underground also are edible. You'll have to get your neighbor's permission, this time.

The only caution here is that you should be sure you have an original wild daylily ? the orange Hemerocallis fulva or the yellow H. lilioasphodelus (look them up) ? and not a true lily, which is usually toxic. [10 Most Common Poisonous Plants]

Queen Anne's Lace:

Also known as the wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace is in full bloom across much of "temperate" North America, Europe and Asia right now. The white flower head is edible raw or lightly battered and fried. The seeds work well in soups and stews and can flavor tea, too.

If you catch these plants early enough, you can eat the roots and leaves. These are indeed wild carrots, the ancestor of all cultivated carrots. By the time the flower appears, though, the root is too woody to eat.

A few words of caution: Hippocrates prescribed the crush seeds as a form of birth control more than 2,000 years ago, and modern studies find some truth in the fact that the seeds and flower heads should be avoided by women pregnant or hoping to conceive. Also, to the untrained eye, Queen Anne's lace looks a little like poisonous hemlock, which will kill you in an hour if consumed. The latter has a hairless stem and doesn't smell like carrots. (I don't know what it tastes like.)

Mare's Tail:

This vigorous crack-dweller has a dozen names, a sure sign that most people consider it unsightly and invasive. It is one of those "oh, so that's what it is" kind of weeds. Also known as horseweed and, more properly, Conyza canadensis, the mare's tail is prolific in both rural and urban settings and will grow with hardly any water or soil straight and tall, up to 4 feet high. Again, that's a lot of food.

The leaves are most palatable when young. By midsummer, only the top foot or so of a 3-foot plant is tender enough to eat after a quick boil. They are peppery and, in fact, you can dry them as a spice. As with many dark, leafy greens, the plant is a decent source of calcium, potassium and other minerals.

And now for some Boy Scout trivia: Mare's tail is the weed of choice for making a fire via the drill-friction method. The very straight, hard stem rotates perfectly between the hands to make heat. What other plant can make the fire needed to cook it?


A prized herb called shiso in Japan, perilla is yanked from backyards with resentment by many a Western gardener. Pity. This green- or red-leaf plant has a unique taste that is a cross between mint and fennel, is very high in vitamins A and C and sundry minerals, and can boost the immune system. The red-leaf version is sometimes called beefsteak.

Most agricultural websites treat perilla as an invasive weed, and for good reason. It is mildly toxic to horses and cattle, and farmers don't want it on their pastures. Some gardeners are slowly warming to the red variety, though, because the vibrant leaves can add deep color to the garden when other plants start turning brown.

This nascent love of perilla's aesthetics will benefit weed-eaters everywhere, because a single perilla plant will produce thousands of seeds, ensuring that those tasty leaves will appear throughout the neighborhood, should you know what to look for.

Christopher Wanjek is the author of a new science novel, "Hey, Einstein!", a comical nature-versus-nurture tale about raising clones of Albert Einstein in less-than-ideal settings.? His column, Bad Medicine, appears regularly on LiveScience.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/5-garden-weeds-eat-155244883.html

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Doctors overlook chemical illnesses, study finds

Doctors overlook chemical illnesses, study finds [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 10-Jul-2012
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Contact: Will Sansom
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Sufferers seek out health care more often than others

SAN ANTONIO (July 10, 2012) Chemical intolerance contributes to the illnesses of 1 in 5 patients but the condition seldom figures in their diagnosis, according to clinical research directed by a UT Medicine San Antonio physician.

Clinical tools are available to identify chemical intolerance but health care practitioners may not be using them, lead author David Katerndahl, M.D., M.A., said. The study is in the July 9 issue of Annals of Family Medicine. UT Medicine is the clinical practice of the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio.

Avoidance of triggers

The study's authors said physicians need to know how chemical intolerance affects certain people and understand that conventional therapies can be ineffective. Some patients would improve by avoiding certain chemicals, foods and even medical prescriptions, the authors said.

Patients with chemical intolerance go to the doctor more than others, are prone to having multi-system symptoms and are more apt to have to quit their job due to physical impairment, the authors said.

90-question survey

The study involved 400 patients who gave personal health information while waiting to be seen at primary care clinics in San Antonio, one in UT Medicine and the other in the University Health System. The researchers asked the patients to respond to 90 questions about their illnesses, mental health and ability to function.

In the end, the authors said, 20.3 percent of the patients questioned met the scientific criteria for chemical intolerance.

Patient inclusion

Researchers surveyed patients with chronic conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes and heart disease. They excluded patients who were at the clinics for acute conditions such as earaches, flu or bone fractures.

The origins of chemical intolerance have been the subject of much speculation, the authors acknowledge, but the condition is also understudied. People with chemical intolerance, or "CI," are highly sensitive to common substances such as cleaning products, tobacco smoke, fragrances, pesticides, new carpet and auto exhaust.

Important consideration in care

"Apart from the debate over causality, the fact that so many patients meet the criteria for chemical intolerance holds particular relevance for primary care providers," said Dr. Katerndahl, professor of family and community medicine who is supported by the Dr. Mario E. Ramirez Distinguished Professorship.

Chemically intolerant individuals often have symptoms that affect multiple organ systems simultaneously, especially the nervous system. Symptoms commonly include fatigue, changes in mood, difficulty thinking and digestive problems.


Study co-authors from the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center include Claudia S. Miller, M.D., M.S., professor in environmental and occupational medicine, vice chair of family and community medicine, and director of the South Texas Environmental Education and Research (STEER) Program, among her roles, and Raymond F. Palmer, Ph.D., M.A., associate professor of family and community medicine.

Study co-author Iris R. Bell, M.D., Ph.D., is professor emeritus of the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and research professor in the College of Nursing at the University of Arizona.

On the Web and Twitter

For current news from the UT Health Science Center San Antonio, please visit our news release website or follow us on Twitter @uthscsa.

About UT Medicine San Antonio

UT Medicine San Antonio is the clinical practice of the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. With more than 700 doctors all faculty members from the School of Medicine UT Medicine is the largest medical practice in Central and South Texas. Expertise is in more than 100 different medical specialties and subspecialties. Primary care doctors and specialists see patients in private practice at UT Medicine's clinical home, the Medical Arts & Research Center (MARC), located in the South Texas Medical Center at 8300 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio 78229. Most major health plans are accepted, and there are clinics and physicians at several local and regional hospitals, including CHRISTUS Santa Rosa, University Hospital and Baptist Medical Center. Call (210) 450-9000 to schedule an appointment, or visit the website at www.UTMedicine.org for a complete listing of clinics and phone numbers.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Doctors overlook chemical illnesses, study finds [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 10-Jul-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Will Sansom
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Sufferers seek out health care more often than others

SAN ANTONIO (July 10, 2012) Chemical intolerance contributes to the illnesses of 1 in 5 patients but the condition seldom figures in their diagnosis, according to clinical research directed by a UT Medicine San Antonio physician.

Clinical tools are available to identify chemical intolerance but health care practitioners may not be using them, lead author David Katerndahl, M.D., M.A., said. The study is in the July 9 issue of Annals of Family Medicine. UT Medicine is the clinical practice of the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio.

Avoidance of triggers

The study's authors said physicians need to know how chemical intolerance affects certain people and understand that conventional therapies can be ineffective. Some patients would improve by avoiding certain chemicals, foods and even medical prescriptions, the authors said.

Patients with chemical intolerance go to the doctor more than others, are prone to having multi-system symptoms and are more apt to have to quit their job due to physical impairment, the authors said.

90-question survey

The study involved 400 patients who gave personal health information while waiting to be seen at primary care clinics in San Antonio, one in UT Medicine and the other in the University Health System. The researchers asked the patients to respond to 90 questions about their illnesses, mental health and ability to function.

In the end, the authors said, 20.3 percent of the patients questioned met the scientific criteria for chemical intolerance.

Patient inclusion

Researchers surveyed patients with chronic conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes and heart disease. They excluded patients who were at the clinics for acute conditions such as earaches, flu or bone fractures.

The origins of chemical intolerance have been the subject of much speculation, the authors acknowledge, but the condition is also understudied. People with chemical intolerance, or "CI," are highly sensitive to common substances such as cleaning products, tobacco smoke, fragrances, pesticides, new carpet and auto exhaust.

Important consideration in care

"Apart from the debate over causality, the fact that so many patients meet the criteria for chemical intolerance holds particular relevance for primary care providers," said Dr. Katerndahl, professor of family and community medicine who is supported by the Dr. Mario E. Ramirez Distinguished Professorship.

Chemically intolerant individuals often have symptoms that affect multiple organ systems simultaneously, especially the nervous system. Symptoms commonly include fatigue, changes in mood, difficulty thinking and digestive problems.


Study co-authors from the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center include Claudia S. Miller, M.D., M.S., professor in environmental and occupational medicine, vice chair of family and community medicine, and director of the South Texas Environmental Education and Research (STEER) Program, among her roles, and Raymond F. Palmer, Ph.D., M.A., associate professor of family and community medicine.

Study co-author Iris R. Bell, M.D., Ph.D., is professor emeritus of the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and research professor in the College of Nursing at the University of Arizona.

On the Web and Twitter

For current news from the UT Health Science Center San Antonio, please visit our news release website or follow us on Twitter @uthscsa.

About UT Medicine San Antonio

UT Medicine San Antonio is the clinical practice of the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. With more than 700 doctors all faculty members from the School of Medicine UT Medicine is the largest medical practice in Central and South Texas. Expertise is in more than 100 different medical specialties and subspecialties. Primary care doctors and specialists see patients in private practice at UT Medicine's clinical home, the Medical Arts & Research Center (MARC), located in the South Texas Medical Center at 8300 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio 78229. Most major health plans are accepted, and there are clinics and physicians at several local and regional hospitals, including CHRISTUS Santa Rosa, University Hospital and Baptist Medical Center. Call (210) 450-9000 to schedule an appointment, or visit the website at www.UTMedicine.org for a complete listing of clinics and phone numbers.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-07/uoth-doc071012.php

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Massive chocolate bull greets rodeo fans in Calgary

Courtesy Calgary International Airport

An 880-pound chocolate bull on display at Calgary's International Airport.

By Harriet Baskas, msnbc.com contributor

A lot of bull arrived at Canada?s Calgary International Airport?last week?? or, to be more precise, an 880-pound, near life-size bull made entirely of chocolate.

Created by Calgary-based Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut,?the bull is a tribute to the 100th?anniversary of the Calgary Stampede,?an annual 10-day rodeo and entertainment extravaganza that runs this year through July 15.

About 400,000 rodeo fans converge in Calgary each year for the Stampede and Tourism Calgary president/CEO Randy Williams estimates that close to 10 percent of those temporary cowboys and cowgirls are from the United States.

To help welcome stampede-bound travelers, Calgary International Airport gets gussied up with hay bales, fences and painted windows and schedules contests, sidewalk sales and entertainment.

The chocolate bull is new this year, but should be kicking around for years to come. ?We are hoping to shellac it and keep it for future stampede decorations,? said Jody Moseley, director of corporate communications and marketing for the Calgary Airport Authority.??It?s beautiful, chocolate art.?

And there's no tasting allowed ? and that's no bull.

Find more by Harriet Baskas on StuckatTheAirport.com and follow her on Twitter.

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Source: http://overheadbin.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/09/12641734-880-pound-chocolate-bull-welcomes-rodeo-fans-at-calgarys-airport?lite

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