Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This is the Facebook page of Thelma and Louise, the 2-headed turtle


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Source: http://www.thevalleydispatch.com/ci_23750805/this-is-facebook-page-thelma-and-louise-2?source=rss_viewed

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Wisconsin.gov - Employment - Job Seeker - Detail Page

Job Details
? Butternut School District
? Job Title Charter School Director?
? H.R. Contact Joseph Zirngibl?
? Contact Phone (715)769-3434
? Job Description Butternut School District has an opening for a director of the Promethean Charter School. This is a full time position when combined with the teaching of several English courses.?
? Qualifications This position should include a candidate with good supervisory skills, good student management skills, great communication skills and a firm grasp of technology. Knowledge of RtI, PBIS, differentiated instruction, and Project based learning are a plus.?
? Requirements This position requires a teaching degree for English (7-12), alternative education certification or Special Education license. Middle school certification 6-9 or 1-8, with a 7-12 or K-12 special education certification would qualify for this position.?
? How to Apply Application Deadline: August 9, 2013 Start Date: August 22, 2013 inservice/classes begin Sept. 3, 2013. Send a letter of application, resume, transcripts, letters of reference and a copy of license to: Joseph Zirngibl, District Administrator, PO Box 247, Butternut, WI 54514 715.769.3434 ext.323. EOE ?
? Employer Butternut School District
312 West Wisconsin
Butternut, WI 54514?
? Job Address Same as the employer address.
? Description Butternut Wisconsin is a small community of approximately 375 residents in Northern Wisconsin. We have approximately 200 students in our K-12 programs. The Butternut School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.?

Source: http://ww2.wisconsin.gov/state/employment/app?COMMAND=gov.wi.state.cpp.job.command.ShowJobDetails&selectedJob=201307280351019751042

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Spanish train crash driver leaves hospital, remains in custody

By Tracy Rucinski and Teresa Medrano

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain (Reuters) - The driver of a Spanish train that derailed at high speed killing 78 people was released from hospital on Saturday, but he remained in police custody ahead of an appearance before a judge to answer questions about what went wrong.

Francisco Garzon, 52, was treated for a head injury he sustained in Wednesday's crash. He declined to give a statement to police on Friday.

"He ... has been arrested by the police on charges of alleged reckless homicide," Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz said at the police headquarters of Santiago de Compostela, the northwestern city where the crash occurred.

Police had already said Garzon, who has been under arrest since Thursday, was suspected of "recklessness" in driving the train much too fast through a curve on the outskirts of Santiago.

Survivors and families of victims from Spain's deadliest train crash in decades were desperate for answers three days after the eight-carriage, high-speed train derailed on a sharp bend, slamming into a concrete wall.

Several bodies were still unidentified and dozens of injured were in hospital in serious condition.

"We have to investigate what happened, because there are lots of versions," said Ricardo Jimenez, whose sister-in-law was killed in the crash and whose body was not identified until late on Friday.

"This can't go unpunished, because those were people on the train, not animals, and other people shouldn't have to pay because one person makes a mistake," he told Reuters.

Officials are looking into whether the accident was the result of human error or a problem with the train, the track or the security system that controls speed on the railway.

Esther Dominguez, a 23-year-old student from Madrid who survived the accident, told Reuters: "I have really mixed feelings. On the one hand I feel fortunate to have come out of it okay, it's a miracle, but I'm really sad about the people who didn't come out as well and are suffering now.

"After something so huge you want to know why, what happened, so that it doesn't happen again. They need to get to the bottom of it and find out who was responsible."

The government has said a clearer picture would emerge from two official investigations, one judicial and one governmental, but there was growing pressure for assurances that Spain's rail network was safe.

"It is essential that we get guarantees about what the public believed was a model railway system but which suddenly turns out to have worrying security flaws," left-leaning newspaper El Pais said in an editorial.


Santiago was meant to be celebrating the yearly festival of St. James this week. Thousands of Christian pilgrims arrived after walking the famous Camino de Santiago trail over the Pyrenees, or from Portugal.

Festivities were canceled after the accident - which happened on the eve of St. James day. Although many were trying to return to normal life, the mood in the city was subdued.

"It's as though people have lost their strength. It touches you deep inside," said Ofelia Garcia, who arrived in Santiago on Monday with her partner after they walked the pilgrimage trail from Portugal.

Although each family will bury their dead separately, the region of Galicia - where Santiago is the capital - was preparing an official memorial for the victims on Monday.

Mourners placed candles at the entrance to the centuries-old cathedral and strung blue hydrangeas, picked from local gardens, through the bars of the gates.

Pilgrims left traditional walking sticks near the cathedral gates with hand-written notes in support of the victims and their families.

One read: "So that your journey does not end here."

"We were about to open a bottle of wine when we started to hear sirens," said 30-year-old American tourist Rebecca Elias.

"At first we thought it was fireworks for the festivities and then we found out about the accident, so we put the wine away and said a prayer."

(Writing by Elisabeth O'Leary; Editing by Fiona Ortiz and Mike Collett-White)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/spanish-train-crash-driver-leaves-hospital-remains-custody-130810042.html

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

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Sat, Jul 27, 2013 | 19:26 BST

Obama: Reporters tell me I have 'all good ideas' | The Daily Caller

After calling for Republicans in Congress to set aside ?short-term politics,? President Barack Obama bragged that reporters support all of his economic plans in a speech given on Wednesday in Galensberg, Illinois.

?It?s interesting, in the run-up to this speech, a lot of reporters say that, well, Mr. President, these are all good ideas, but some them of you?ve said before; some of them sound great, but you can?t get those through Congress.? Republicans won?t agree with you,? Obama said.

Obama mentioned that several Republicans ?whom he failed to name ? told him they secretly agree with his economic plans but refuse to publicly support him.

?And I say, look, the fact is there are Republicans in Congress right now who privately agree with me on a lot of the ideas I?ll be proposing.? I know because they?ve said so,? Obama continued. ?But they worry they?ll face swift political retaliation for cooperating with me.?

The White House isn?t shy about reaching out to sympathetic members of the press. Earlier in July, the administration held an off-record meeting with progressive reporters, including MSNBC?s Benjy Sarlin and Slate blogger Matt Yglesias ? who posted a photo after the meeting on Instagram hashtagged #ThisTown.

In November 2011, Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein briefed a group of Senate Democratic Chiefs?on the ?super committee? meant to reach a deficit deal. The committee collapsed only a day later.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, hundreds of liberal and progressive activists and journalists collaborated on a listserv called Journolist?to bury the burgeoning Rev. Jeremiah Wright scandal that could possibly have sunk Obama?s campaign.

MSNBC?s Chris Hayes, who hosts a low-rated talk show and wrote for The Nation during the campaign, told fellow reporters ?There is no earthly reason to use our various platforms to discuss what about Wright we find objectionable.? He later lamented to The Daily Caller, ?No one listened to me.?

Media Matters, a George Soros-funded political media?operation, compiled an extensive ?enemies list??and appeared to work closely with the Obama administration, with high-level White House officials and lower-level representatives appearing frequently in the Media Matters office and attending progressive meetings.

Obama has now presided over the longest period of economic stagnation since at least the 1970s, and a period of job creation that is by far the weakest since the Great Depression.

Early reactions to the ideas the president laid out in his economic speech Wednesday include ?old ideas with little chance of making an impact,? ?repackaged ideas and empty promises? and ?fresh out of ideas on the economy.?

Follow Katie on Twitter

Source: http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/25/obama-reporters-tell-me-i-have-all-good-ideas/

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Obama says GOP opposition to debt limit 'deadbeat'

Associated Press

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) - Casting House Republicans as stubborn deadbeats, President Barack Obama sought Thursday to discredit House Republicans in upcoming fiscal fights by painting them as roadblocks to a thriving middle class.

With Obama and Congress approaching all-too-familiar showdowns over spending levels and the nation's borrowing limit, Obama used a visit to a seaside port in Florida to argue that the nation's economic agenda should be immune to the partisan backbiting he faulted Republicans for instigating.

"Shutting down the government just because I'm for keeping it open - that's not an economic plan," Obama said, wiping sweat from his face in a muggy port warehouse. "Threatening that you won't pay the bills in this country, when we've already racked up those bills, that's not an economic plan - that's just being a deadbeat."

In the last of three stops on a two-day tour to reframe his broad economic vision for the nation, Obama pitched the need for enhanced American infrastructure at this port and others across the country - and for better roads, bridges and power grids. But while he touted his efforts to streamline permitting, the president offered no new proposals for how Americans and their leaders could accelerate a lethargic economic recovery.

Obama warned that if Republicans continue with their "my way or the highway attitude," dire consequences could await for Americans. He encouraged voters to use next month's congressional recess to tell Republicans who'll be in their home districts that gridlock is unacceptable. "It could plunge us back into financial crisis," the president said.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., questioned the point of Obama's big push in a speech on the Senate floor Thursday. "At some point, campaign season has to end and the working-with-others season has to begin," McConnell said. "At some point, you have to stop promising an 'ocean of tomorrows' and start actually working with the representatives of the people."

Obama praised Senate Republicans for being willing to compromise on issues like immigration, then drew a distinction with House Republicans, whom he repeatedly accused of bringing the economy to the brink. But Obama, too, at times has taken an uncompromising approach with ultimatums that force his opponents to give in or no deal. He's refused to consider any budget that includes the across-the-board, automatic spending cuts known as the sequester that went into effect in March.

The 2011 battle between Obama and House Republicans over raising the government's borrowing limit brought the nation close to default and resulted in a hard-fought budget deal. Obama says he won't be bullied on the debt ceiling again, but many in Washington believe the need to increase the borrowing cap later this year will prompt some kind of budget bargain.

A new poll by the Pew Research Center shows that pessimism about the economy remains widespread. The poll conducted last week found that 82 percent of Americans think the economy is in fair or poor condition and 67 percent are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the U.S. today. Forty-four percent think it will be a long time before the nation's economy recovers, while only 28 percent say it's currently recovering. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Even among Democrats, just 38 percent think the economy is recovering. But there are signs of slow improvement: The housing market is recovering, the stock market is booming, and unemployment is falling despite remaining uncomfortably high at 7.6 percent.

After a examining the port's giant cranes used to lift shipping containers onto ships, Obama spoke to a few hundred workers in the sweltering warehouse. He lamented that the U.S. was lagging behind China and Germany on fixing infrastructure and said that's why he's working to speed up the federal permitting process.

"The businesses of tomorrow are not going to locate near outdated roads and old ports," he said. Improvements to the port so more supertankers can come in would mean more workers spending more money at restaurants so that the waitress serving them, for example, can spend more money on an iPod, he said.

In making his plea for more spending on public works projects, the president is also relying on support from corporate leaders whose businesses either benefit from government financed construction or rely on up-to-date transportation systems to move their products. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been pressing Congress for greater spending on infrastructure and has allied itself with the president's effort, but in a statement Wednesday, chamber President Thomas Donohue also put some distance with Obama by saying such a public works initiative must be tied to less regulation, lower taxes and less overall government spending.

"The president correctly underscored the importance of infrastructure, education and immigration to our economic future," Donohue said. "But in order to grow and create lasting private sector jobs, we must have more economic freedom and while reining in government spending, taxes and debt."

The visit also marked Obama's first to the state since the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the man charged in the death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin. The case has generated a painful, nationwide debate about racial prejudice, but Obama didn't mention the case in his public remarks.

The broad economic themes Obama illustrated Thursday will be followed up in the coming weeks by another series of speeches drilling down on key sectors such as manufacturing, education, housing, retirement security and health care. Advisers say some of those speeches will contain more specific policy proposals, both for legislation and executive action Obama can take without congressional approval.

The first of those addresses was to come Tuesday, when Obama will travel to Chattanooga, Tenn., to promote American competitiveness at an Amazon fulfillment center, which packs and ships products to online purchasers. The White House said some new policy ideas will be unveiled during that visit.


Follow Josh Lederman on Twitter at http://twitter.com/joshledermanAP

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.wmbfnews.com/story/22927607/obama-economic-tour-buffeted-by-low-expectations

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Samsung, Apple reportedly in talks to settle patent war

Negotiations between Apple and Samsung had reportedly begun since late last year.

Samsung Electronics is reportedly in negotiations with Apple for a cross-licensing deal to end their patent dispute.

The Korea Times reported on Monday, citing industry sources familiar with the matter, Samsung is trying to iron out differences over key issues ahead of a new trial in the U.S. federal circuit slated for November.?

One of the sources said talks had begun since late last year, and has "come down to the issue of fees for Apple".

The Cupertino-based company reportedly holds the key to whether both companies will reach a compromise or continue to fight as Apple's request to the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) for a stay of remedial orders such as an import ban or cease and desist was rejected.

"Both companies are now finding better conditions to bring the settlement talks on their sides. That?s why they are paying keen attention to two upcoming separate decisions by the USITC," one of the sources, said in the report.

The USITC in June had banned Apple from importing some of its devices including iPad 2 and iPhone 4 because it infringed some of Samsung's patents. The final decision will be announced on August 1, 2013 after a 60-day review, on whether Samsung infringed on Apple's patents.

Apple had taken Samsung to court in 2011, alleging Samsung infringed patents of its iPhones and iPads, and the jury's verdict was that Samsung should pay US$1 billion. Other than the U.S., both companies have also been engaged in patent wars in Germany, France, Japan and Italy.

Just earlier this month, Samsung entered another cross-licensing deal with SK Hynix for the next five years, to have full access to each other's memory chip patents.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zdnetaustralia-news/~3/DxHOx0o38Uc/

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Portuguese president rejects call for snap elections

AFP - Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva said Sunday he backed the country's centre-right coalition government and rejected calls for snap elections to resolve a political crisis shaking the bailed-out nation.

"I think in the current context of national emergency, calling elections is not a solution for the problems Portugal is facing," said Cavaco Silva.

"I think the best solution is to keep the current government in power."

His remarks came after crisis talks between Portugal's three main parties failed Friday to reach a pact on pursuing radical reforms to avoid a second international bailout, as Cavaco Silva had called for.

The president urged the two parties in the ruling coalition -- Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho's centre-right PSD and the conservative CDS-PP -- to work together to see through the reforms agreed under Portugal's 2011 bailout deal and enable the country to return to the international financial markets.

"It is important to show our European partners that Portugal is a governable country," Cavaco Silva said.

"The government has an undeniable majority."

The coalition between the two ruling parties gives the government a comfortable majority in parliament, but the alliance is at risk after the resignation early this month of finance minister Vitor Gaspar, the architect of the budget cuts, and foreign minister Paulo Portas, the CDS-PP leader and an increasingly sharp critic of austerity.

Their resignations plunged Portugal's politics into turmoil, casting doubt on the fate of the reforms agreed under the country's 78-billion-euro rescue from the European Union and International Monetary Fund.

Bickering in the coalition and between the government and the main opposition Socialists, the third party at the failed crisis talks, has raised fears the government's bid to overhaul its finances will derail and force the country to seek a second bailout.

After the two key ministers' resignations, worries that Portugal would veer into a new crisis shook world markets fearful of a new wave of instability in the eurozone's debt-laden periphery.

Portugal's austerity measures are widely blamed for exacerbating a three-year recession, and the resulting hardship has sparked growing street protests.

The country forecasts a 2.3-percent economic contraction this year, and has record unemployment of more than 18 percent.

Portugal's "troika" of international creditors -- the IMF, European Commission and European Central Bank -- have postponed their next review of Portugal's reform programme from mid-July to late August because of the ongoing political standoff.

Source: http://www.france24.com/en/20130722-portuguese-president-rejects-call-snap-elections

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Planning Tips For Your Event And What To Expect From Event ...

Planning an event of any type takes organisation and focus. As long as you are focuses on what you need to do, you can achieve everything you want to. Whether you are planning a birthday party or a corporate event of some kind, you can host a fantastic event in a sought after venue in London. There are plenty of things you will need to consider along the way, but you are in the right place to get the tips and options you need.

Tips for planning an event

Whatever the event you are planning, you need a guest list. The first thing you should be ticking off your to-do list is your guest list so you know what numbers you are working with and how many people you are catering for. When you have numbers, you can consider the suitable location based on where your guests are coming from and decide whether or not you can benefit from professional event design London.

Planning an event means you need to consider the number of guests you want to invite, the type of event you are hosting, your budget, the preferred venue, your catering options, and entertainment. You might also need to consider local accommodation options and transport depending on your circumstances and those you are inviting. It can be stressful getting everything done, but often hiring services in event design London can be the most beneficial route for planning an event. The initial thought of hiring event specialists is that your event is going to suddenly become more expensive, but in reality, event specialists have the resources, skills, dedication, and contacts to make your event a success and stick to any budget you set.

What can you expect from specialist event services?

Event specialists have the venues on their books that your event can benefit from. They have the most spectacular options at the best rates thanks to their negotiating skills; they are experts in the industry after all. This means you can get the most extravagant venues for less such as the National History Museum or the Saatchi Gallery to really make an impression from the moment your event begins. Services in event design London can take control of the design aspect of your event. You can leave the hard work to them and concentrate on the content of your event or ensuring your event is a surprise! The experts can present the venue you choose as you visualise and you can make the final decisions.

You can expect a lot from specialist event design services such as technical support, supply management, planning and licencing management where required, health and safety assurances, and of course, budget management. The specialists can manage your budget so you dont have to, which means that even by investing in event services you can still stick to a budget and actually save more money than you would have if planning independently. So, whatever your event is for, consider the assistance available to you. If you can leave the hassle to someone else whilst saving money, then you are on to a winner. Look around for the best event services available and make your event something extra special.

About the Author:
Author Bio
Rachel is a party blogger and plans for fun and for corporate events on a regular basis. Rachel has used services in event design London for the last few years and has enjoyed the cost effective and hassle-free solution.

Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Planning-Tips-For-Your-Event-And-What-To-Expect-From-Event-Design-London/5397640

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

How to Keep Yourself Healthy at Work | Body Health ? Bodybuilding ...

Health ?? something th?t ?h???? b? taken seriously b? everybody. Sometimes, ??r working habits ?r? th? main cause ?f ??r unhealthiness. It ??n range fr?m a wr?n? posture t? excessive work stress. Th??? things ??n cause ??? t? lead ?n unhealthy lifestyle due t? wh??h ??? m??ht face problems both ?t work ?n? back ?t home.


1 Nothing beats ?n early morning jog. If ??? wish t? stay ??rf??t?? healthy th?n ??? need t? develop a habit ?f going out ???r? morning f?r a jog. Y?? ??n ??th?r jog around ???r block ?r ?n a nearby park, whatever ?? more accessible t? ???. H?w???r, th? latter option ?? more preferred ?m?n? th? two. Y?? ??n ???? switch jogging tracks ?n between days. L?k? f?r example ??? ???n t? jog around th? nearby stadium f?r one day ?n? th?n ???n t? jog ?n th? central park f?r another. Th?? n?w location everyday doesn?t ??t ??? bore wh??? ??? jog ?? ??? tend t? h??? a n?w experience ???r? time. Don?t try t? head ??m? ????? wh?r? ??? haven?t b??n before though, ?? ??? don?t know wh?t t? expect, being unaware th?t ???r n?w jogging track m??ht b? ??n??r???.

2 Healthy breakfast ?? th? key f?r maintaining a healthy body. M??t people tend t? skip breakfasts considering ?t t? b? ?n unimportant meal. Unfortunately, th???re mistaken. Breakfasts tend t? b? one ?f th? m??t ?m??rt?nt meals throughout th? day. Y???ll feel energized during th? entire day ?f ??? h??? a healthy ?n? fulfilling breakfast. M?k? a habit ?f including fruit juices ?n ???r morning breakfast.

3 M??t people believe th?t ?f ????re having a strenuous day ?t work th?n smoking ?? th? ultimate relief f?r letting ?? ?f th? mental stress. Th?t?s a wr?n? presumption quite common ?m?n? smokers. Smoking provides ??? w?th th? nicotine th?t charges ???r body f?r a brief period, m?k?n? ??? feel relaxed ?n? away fr?m ???r tensions. H?w???r, th?? dose ?f nicotine ?? harmful f?r ???r lungs ?n? body, ?? ?t enhances ???r stress ?n? reduces ???r productivity ?n th? long r?n. Instead, ???t wash ???r face w?th ???? water ?r take a br??k t? ??t ??m? fresh air. Th?? w???? ??f?n?t??? h??? ?n letting ?? ?f th? stress.

4 Avoid excessive dose ?f tea ?r coffee ?t work. Water ?? a smarter ?n? healthier ?h???? ?? ?t removes toxins fr?m th? body without providing ?n? unnecessary calories. Moreover, ?t?s essential f?r ???r body t? stay hydrated ?t ??? times. Whether ?t m?? b? physical ?r mental work, water ?? a necessity ?n ?n? given condition.

5 Instead ?f going f?r junk food ?r ?n unhealthy diet, try t? stick t? fruits, vegetables ?n? brown rice during ???r lunch. Y???ll b? surprised t? witness th? change th??? dietary habits ??n bring out ?n ???.

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Source: http://mybodyhealth.net/how-to-keep-yourself-healthy-at-work/

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Rot and Rise: Lifeless

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Rot and Rise: Lifeless"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.

Richard B. Riddick: You made three mistakes. First, you took the job. Second, you came light. A four man crew for me? Fucking insulting. But the worst mistake you made...
[Toombs darts for the gun rack which he finds to be empty while Riddick smiles]
Richard B. Riddick: ...empty gun rack.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/IPP-jM8sIEE/viewtopic.php

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Russia's Putin puts U.S. ties above Snowden

By Denis Dyomkin and Alexei Anishchuk

MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin signaled clearly on Wednesday that he did not want a dispute over the fate of former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden to derail Russia's relations with the United States.

Russia has ruled out extraditing Snowden, wanted by Washington for leaking details of U.S. surveillance programs, and the U.S. citizen is currently stuck in the transit area of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.

Allowing him to stay in Russia even temporarily would upset Washington. Putin does not want to jeopardize a planned Moscow summit with President Barack Obama in September, their first in Russia since he started a new term last year, or cloud the atmosphere at a subsequent G20 summit in St Petersburg.

But a refusal would open Putin to criticism at home that he gave into Moscow's former Cold War enemy, even though he has refused to extradite Snowden to the United States to face espionage charges.

Asked during a visit to the eastern Siberian town of Chita whether the affair would cast a shadow over a U.S.-Russia summit due in September in Moscow, Putin told reporters: "Bilateral relations, in my opinion, are far more important than squabbles about the activities of the secret services."

Putin did not say whether Russia would grant Snowden's temporary asylum request, filed on Tuesday after more than three weeks at Sheremetyevo, but reiterated that he must agree to do nothing to harm the United States.

"We warned Mr. Snowden that any action by him that could cause damage to Russian-American relations is unacceptable for us," the former KGB spy said.

Snowden's decisions were a matter for him, said Putin, and suggested that if Russia granted him temporary asylum it should not be seen as a challenge to the United States.

"We have our own objectives as a state, including in the area of the building of Russian-American relations," Putin said.

Putin has used the case of Snowden, who fled to Hong Kong and then flew to Moscow on June 23, to accuse the United States of preaching to the world about rights and freedoms it does not uphold at home.

But both countries have signaled they want to improve ties, strained by issues ranging from the Syrian conflict to Putin's treatment of opponents and Western-funded non-governmental organizations since he started a third term in 2012.


Anatoly Kucherena, the Russian lawyer assisting Snowden, said Snowden had no plans to leave soon for any of the three Latin American countries that are offering him refuge because of U.S. pressure on its allies to bar his way.

Kucherena said he expected a positive response within a week to Snowden's request for temporary asylum in Russia. That would allow him to stay until he is sure of safe passage to another country. Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela have offered him sanctuary.

"The grounds that he cited in the application ... hardly allow for a refusal of asylum," he told reporters. "He has no plans to go elsewhere. He can't go anywhere, even if he gets a valid passport."

Asked whether Snowden might apply for Russian citizenship, Kucherena said: "He does not rule it out". He said he had given Snowden a children's Russian ABC book to get him started learning the language.

Kucherena quoted Snowden as saying he had expected to be persecuted but had been surprised by the "excessive, disproportionate" response.

The United States on Tuesday repeated its call for Russia to send Snowden back, saying he was not a human rights activist or dissident and was accused of leaking classified information.

In Russia, temporary asylum is granted for a year and can be extended. Unlike political asylum, which would require a decree from Putin, the decision to grant temporary asylum is officially up to the Federal Migration Service (FMS).

The FMS has three months to decide but Kucherena told Reuters he expected Snowden to able to leave Sheremetyevo within a week and that Snowden had given him a verbal promise that he would stop anti-U.S. activities.

(Additional reporting by Anastasia Gorelova, Writing by Timothy Heritage and Steve Gutterman; Editing by Jon Boyle)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/stranded-fugitive-snowden-seeks-temporary-asylum-russia-042112253.html

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ford plans to improve hybrids' mpg with software changes

Nair: The changes will bring "enhanced on-road fuel economy satisfaction."

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Automotive News
July 16, 2013 - 6:00 pm ET -- UPDATED: 7/16/13 6:48 pm ET - adds investments

DETROIT ? Ford Motor Co. says it will make software tweaks to improve the real-world fuel economy of its 2013-model hybrids.

The changes are being offered to 77,000 owners of the 2013 Ford Fusion Hybrid and C-Max Hybrid and the Lincoln MKZ Hybrid, the automaker said today. Hybrids for the 2014 model year will get changes at the factory.

The Fusion and C-Max hybrids fell 17 percent to 21 percent short of Ford's promise of combined 47 mpg in tests by Consumer Reports magazine last year. The Fusion achieved 39 mpg and the C-Max averaged 37 mpg in tests of city and highway driving. The changes will not affect Ford's mpg labels.

"We believe these actions will provide our customers enhanced on-road fuel economy satisfaction," said Raj Nair, Ford product development chief, in a statement.

Dealerships will modify the software, and dealers were being notified late today about details of the program, said C.J. O'Donnell, Ford manager of electrified vehicle marketing. Ford officials say the work takes about a half day to perform.

Nair said there will be no alterations to hardware involved. Dealerships will begin performing the software modifications later this month. Customers will receive notification letters from Ford.

The degree of improvement will vary depending on driving habits and other factors, Nair said, without providing any figures. "Customers should see the most improvement at highway speeds, during air conditioner use and operation in colder climates," he said.

Among the changes:

-- Increasing the electric-only speed of the vehicles from 62 mph to 85 mph, which will allow increased use of electric-only mode on the highway.

-- Modifying the active grille shutters to cut aerodynamic drag under a wider variety of driving and temperature conditions. Those include cold weather -- and warm weather when the air conditioner is in use.

-- Reducing the speed of the electric fan to reduce energy consumption.

-- Shortening engine warm-up time by as much as 50 percent to enable electric-only driving.

-- Tweaking the climate-control system to minimize use of the air conditioning compressor and reduce energy use in cold weather.

Expansion plan

Ford also outlined other steps aimed at expanding sales of hybrids and pure-electric autos. The company sold 46,197 such vehicles through June, five times the level of a year-earlier.

The moves include Lincoln's plan to alter the hybrid mix of the MKZ from 20 percent to 40 percent for the 2014 model year.

In addition, Ford will expand its vehicle-electrification engineering team by 50 percent to about 500 engineers this year. Ford also said it would invest an additional $50 million in electrified product development and testing centers in the Detroit area.

Battery-testing capabilities will double to 160 cells by year-end to speed development time by 25 percent.

Bloomberg contributed to this report.

You can reach Bradford Wernle at bwernle@crain.com.

Source: http://www.autonews.com/article/20130716/RETAIL05/130719892/ford-plans-to-improve-hybrids-mpg-with-software-changes

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Fed message gets through to markets, sort of

By Alister Bull

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve officials were clearly taken aback by the selloff that was unleashed in global financial markets when the central bank's chairman, Ben Bernanke, warned that the Fed's bond buying would likely be scaled back this year.

But they can take an increasing level of comfort from having guided Wall Street to a view of future monetary policy that is closer to their own, and the sense that a messy adjustment now is much less harmful than a more violent turn later.

In late May, Bernanke told Congress a decision to scale back the Fed's $85 billion per month stimulus could be taken at one of its "next few meetings." He made the Fed's intentions even clearer on June 19, when he spoke openly of the reduction and eventual end of the program, potentially by mid-2014.

The result was that a yield of 1.62 percent on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note in early May turned into a 2.75 percent yield by the beginning of last week, the swiftest rise in yields in a decade, though the market has since stabilized and the yield was back down to 2.54 percent late on Monday. The shock sent other bond markets tumbling, and global stock markets also plunged initially but have since recovered.

Indeed, U.S. stocks are back around record levels, restoring more than $1 trillion in market capitalization to the S&P 500 index as investors take the view that the equity market will be able to rally through a reduction in bond buying.

"If I had to guess, I'd guess that members of the Fed are much happier with market levels than they were three weeks ago," said Carl Tannenbaum, chief economist at Northern Trust in Chicago, noting signs that some heavy market bets have eased.

Fed officials did not welcome the steep back-up in bond yields and mortgage rates that Bernanke's remarks caused, judging from the consternation evident in their comments since then to push back expectations of an early Fed rate hike.

That has stoked suspicions that what policymakers were really worried about was a hidden build-up in risk-taking in bond markets that could have been the early signs of a bubble.

"There may have been some concern at the Fed that there was too much risk being taken on," said Scott Brown, chief economist at Raymond James in St. Petersburg, Florida. "They have certainly taken care of that situation."

In the past, monetary policy that has encouraged too much risk has helped to foster bubbles that have burst with disastrous consequences, most recently the collapse of the U.S. housing market that sparked the 2007-2009 financial crisis.


When asked if he wished that he had done things differently, Bernanke suggested roiling markets was a price worth paying.

"Notwithstanding some volatility that we've seen in the last six weeks, speaking now and explaining what we're doing may have avoided a much more difficult situation at another time," Bernanke said at an economics conference last Wednesday, his first public remarks since the Fed's June 19 policy meeting.

But he also emphasized that tapering of the bond buying would not be a signal the Fed would begin to tighten monetary policy sooner by raising the overnight interest rates from near zero, and pointed out that 14 of the Fed's 19 policymakers anticipate the lift-off date for rates will not come before 2015.

The Merrill Lynch MOVE index, which estimates future volatility of long-term bond yields, spiked to around 111 following his June 19 news conference, up from a multi-year low of around 50 at the beginning of May. But it had settled back to around 94 on Monday.

Fed officials saw the low levels of bond market volatility earlier this year as a potentially worrying sign that investors saw bonds as a one-way bet because of the central bank's massive purchases.

Indeed, the nearly 5-month low yield on the 10-year note hit in early May was beneath forecasts for 3-month bill rates over the next 10 years, which is one way analysts compare valuations to figure out if yields are reflecting excessive bets that the Fed will hold rates ultra-low for a prolonged period.


Minutes from the June Federal Open Market Committee meeting showed that two of the 12 voting members felt the Fed should start curtailing bond buying relatively soon to make sure the costs did not begin to outweigh the benefits. All 19 members of the Fed's policy-setting committee participate in the debate but only 12 vote at any given time. The minutes do not mention officials by name.

"Markets seem more able right now to accept the Fed tapering without pricing in ever higher interest rates in response," said Dean Maki, chief U.S. economist at Barclays Capital in New York.

However, with yields clearly higher now than earlier this year, some economists worry the Fed has shot itself, and the U.S. economy, in the foot.

Rising bond yields have pushed up mortgage interest rates, hurting home refinancing activity and threatening to curb housing demand. Rising home prices have been one of the drivers of the economy in the past year.

Executives from two of the largest U.S. banks, JPMorgan Chase & Co and Wells Fargo & Co , which between them make one in three U.S. home loans, warned on Friday that mortgage lending volumes would decline in the coming months and profits from the business would fall. JPMorgan Chief Financial Officer Marianne Lake said rising mortgage rates could slash volume by 30 percent to 40 percent. That would result in a "dramatic reduction in profits" in the business, JPMorgan Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon said.

Some experts say the Fed may be fostering the economic uncertainty it indicates it is trying to avoid.

"They are convinced they are chasing bubbles," said Adam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington and a former Bank of England policymaker. "What it certainly means is that there is a lot more uncertainty about Fed policy going forward."

(Reporting by Alister Bull; Editing by Tim Dobbyn)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/fed-message-gets-markets-sort-051516858.html

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Urban Compass founder buys Israeli b?ball team, Queens church to build $15.6M senior housing project ? and more

An interior shot of Lifesaver Lofts

An interior shot of Lifesaver Lofts

1. Urban Compass founder Ori Allon buys Israeli basketball team [Business Insider]
2. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf expands to two new Manhattan locations [NYP, 1st item]
3. Queens church raises $15.6 million to build senior housing project [NYDN]
4. Staten Island developer Joe Molino?s new adversary is a $300,000 tree [Crain?s]
5. Condo at Chelsea?s Lifesaver Lofts chops price to $5 million [Curbed]
6. NYC could be hit by a ?sharkicane? [NYP]
7. Real estate industry-linked PAC raises $5.3 million in first round of fundraising [Crain?s]
8. Barclays Center gets eco-friendly silver LEED rating [Crain?s]
9. Check out these Flickr maps of U.S. cities: PHOTOS [Atlantic Cities]
10. Ad tech startup takes 9,000 square feet at Dumbo?s 65 Jay Street [WSJ, 1st item]

Source: http://therealdeal.com/blog/2013/07/15/urban-compass-founder-buys-israeli-bball-team-trial-on-whether-wtc-owners-can-seek-compensation-from-airline-owners-starts-today-and-more/

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Thousands gather for Lee Rigby?s military funeral

Drummer Lee Rigby was killed in Woolwich on May 22. MoD/PA Drummer Lee Rigby was killed in Woolwich on May 22. MoD/PA

Friday, July 12, 2013
12:29 PM

The young son of Lee Rigby, who was killed in Woolwich two months ago, paid tribute to ?My Daddy My Hero? today as thousands of mourners gathered to remember the soldier.

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Members of the public applauded Fusilier Rigby?s comrades and forces veterans as they arrived for the funeral service at Bury Parish Church, where comrades had maintained a guard of honour overnight.

Applause also greeted the 25-year-old?s heartbroken loved ones, who joined about 800 mourners inside for the private service just a couple of miles from his home town of Middleton, Greater Manchester.

Fusilier Rigby?s wife Rebecca, 30, walked in with the couple?s two-year-old son Jack, who wore a blue T-shirt with the words ?My Daddy My Hero? on the back.

David Cameron arrived with London Mayor Boris Johnson to ripples of applause. The Prime Minister told the Commons earlier this week that the whole of the UK would be mourning with the family.

Fusilier Rigby, a drummer in the 2nd Battalion Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (2RRF), was killed as he returned to Woolwich barracks from the Tower of London on May 22.

He had served in Afghanistan as a machine gunner and was attached to the regimental recruiting team when he was hacked to death in broad daylight in the street.

In his eulogy, Fusilier Rigby?s commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Jim Taylor, said: ?Fusilier Lee James Rigby, or Riggers to his friends in the Army, was an extremely popular soldier. A larger-than-life personality, he loved to perform and belonged in the Second Fusiliers? Corps of Drums. He was truly charismatic.

?To be with Lee was to be where it was most fun - the centre of good times and much mischief.

?People fell quickly under his spell. Whether it was in work or off duty, at a ceremonial engagement or on operations, Lee just knew how to lighten the mood.

?He could brighten a room within moments and, by all accounts, clear a dancefloor in seconds if a Whitney Houston track was playing.?

In April 2009 he put his drum down and picked up his machine gun when the Second Fusiliers deployed to Afghanistan, mourners heard.

It was a ?gruelling tour? for the battalion with seven soldiers killed in six months.

Lt Col Taylor said Fusilier Rigby was ?under relentless pressure from the insurgents?.

?Lee proved himself to be dedicated, professional and incredibly brave,? he said.

The soldier?s final challenge in the Army was with the Recruiting Group in London, where he also assisted with duties at Regimental Headquarters in the Tower of London.

?The recruiting post was one that required just the characteristics that Lee possessed and had shown in spades in the short time he had served with the Fusiliers,? he said.

?Namely, soldiering ability and charisma coupled with a cheeky outgoing personality that naturally endeared him to potential recruits.

?Based out of Woolwich, he helped to inspire many young people to join the Armed Forces.

?Tragically it was while Lee was performing these duties that he was so cruelly taken from us.?

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The man was taken by air ambulance to the Royal Preston Hospital, where he sadly died later that night

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Source: http://www.romfordrecorder.co.uk/thousands_gather_for_lee_rigby_s_military_funeral_1_2276093

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Google reinstates offline Maps for Android after public censure

Less than 24 hours after removing the offline maps browsing capability from Google Maps for Android, Google has returned the feature back to the app as the public reached for pitchforks.

The tech juggernaut announced yesterday that its updated Maps app now has a number of new features, including enhanced navigation, integrated restaurant reviews, and an Explore function, with which users can browse pubs, cafes, hotels, and restaurants in particular locations.

Google also removed some other features, such as Latitude, which allowed users to share their location with friends. Latitude has been killed off, but location sharing can still be done through the company's social networking platform, Google+.

But what really put a lot of panties in a twist was Google pulling the offline map browsing function. Users wasted no time on posting caustic comments on Google Maps' Google+ page.

Google has since rescinded its decision, and put offline map browsing back into Google Maps.

"We've been happy to hear so many of you enjoying the interface and features of the new Google Maps app for Android, but we know some of you are missing an easy way to access maps offline," Google said in a Google+ post. "That's why our engineering team has been working around the clock to add a 'Make this map area available offline' card below the search box for easy access."

Typing "OK maps" will also activate that feature. iOS users missed all the drama because their Maps update has yet to be released.

It is the season for tech giants to backflip on major decisions after public outrage. Last month, Microsoft backflipped on its policy for the upcoming Xbox One console that would require users to always be online to prevent game piracy.

The move was made after the company was left red faced when its chief rival, Sony, mocked Xbox One's "always-on" policy in a marketing campaign, taking advantage of widespread public disapproval.

Source: http://www.zdnet.com/google-reinstates-offline-maps-for-android-after-public-censure-7000017977/

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ABILITY Students Blog ? Blog Archive ? International Business class ...

Taronga Zoo ExcursionOn July 2 2013, the International Business class from Ability English in Sydney went on a field study trip to wonderful Taronga Zoo, which is on the shores of Sydney Harbour. Our purpose was to use our knowledge from our marketing and risk-assessment studies to evaluate their procedures and the facilities for local and international visitors, especially children.

Source: http://www.blog.ability.edu.au/international-business-class-at-taronga-zoo/

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

IRS exposed Social Security numbers of tens of thousands of political donors


5 hours ago

A general view of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building in Washington, May 14, 2013. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

? Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

The Internal Revenue Service Building in Washington, May 14, 2013.

The Internal Revenue Service inadvertently exposed the Social Security numbers of tens of thousands of individuals online who donated money to tax-exempt organizations involved in political activities.

For reasons of political transparency, the IRS posts information filed by the organizations, which are required to report their contributors and expenditures to the IRS. The nonprofit groups are called "527s" (named for Section 527 of the tax code that gives the groups tax-exempt status). Donors are supposed to be listed, but additional personal information, such as Social Security numbers, is not. Nevertheless, this occurred in numerous instances.

"When we were alerted last week that a substantial number of Social Security numbers were posted on IRS.gov in forms filed by section 527 political organizations, the IRS decided out of an abundance of caution to temporarily remove public Web access to the records," the IRS said.

That database now has been taken down from the Web, and the IRS is "assessing the situation and exploring available options," the agency said in a statement to NBC News.

The finding was made public by Carl Malamud of Public.Resource.Org, a nonprofit group that fights for putting government documents online and making those documents free for all to view.

There are thousands of 527 groups, which run the gamut of issues and interests, from the Plumbers/Pipefitters Union and the American Dental Association, to feminist-backed EMILY's List and conservative RightChange.com. There is no limit to the amount a person can donate, but the donations are not tax deductible, and they must be publicly reported.

For this reason, Malamud worries about the database remaining offline for long. "This Section 527 database is an essential tool used by journalists, watchdog groups, congressional staffers, and citizens," he said on his site. The "public posting of this database serves a vital public purpose (and this database must be restored as quickly as possible)."

While calling the posting of the Social Security numbers "reckless," Malamud said the IRS does make it clear that Social Security numbers should not be submitted on forms that will be put online and available for "public inspection."

"Mistakes happens; the trick is when they happen, you need to fix them," Malamud told NBC News. "The IRS should have simply rejected those documents when they were submitted, and made people refile them" without the Social Security numbers included.

The IRS, in its statement, said that it "frequently and routinely reminds organizations of the public disclosure of these forms and urges them not to include personal information, including Social Security numbers, in their public filing."

Most of the Social Security numbers that were exposed were included in 527 filings made between 2002 and 2008, Malamud said. And while chances are that "most people are safe," and "most organizations know better" than to include Social Security numbers, he said, donors may want to check with the organizations they gave money to find out for sure.

NBC News also asked the IRS if it plans to contact the individuals whose Social Security numbers were exposed, and will publish an updated post if we receive the answer.

Check out Technology and TODAY Tech on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.

Source: http://feeds.nbcnews.com/c/35002/f/663301/s/2e6e905a/l/0L0Snbcnews0N0Ctechnology0Cirs0Eexposed0Esocial0Esecurity0Enumbers0Etens0Ethousands0Epolitical0Edonors0E6C10A578535/story01.htm

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

UFC 162?s Three Stars: Chris Weidman, Mark Munoz and Edson Barboza stood out

UFC 162 will stick out in the collective MMA brain as the night the UFC got a new middleweight champion. Who truly rose above?

No. 1 star -- Chris Weidman: As if there's any doubt who stood out the most at UFC 162? Weidman took advantage of Silva clowning around to win the belt. Weidman used knowledge of his opponent and his tendency to play around in a fight to catch Silva right on the button and knock him out. He earned a $50,000 bonus for Knockout of the Night, and the middleweight championship.

No. 2 star -- Mark Munoz: Before he even stepped in the cage, he battled with depression and a major weight gain. Beating Tim Boetsch was just the logical next step. Munoz used wrestling and continuous unanswered striking to get an overwhelming win.

No. 3 star -- Edson Barboza: MMA judge Cecil Peoples once famously claimed "leg kicks certainly don't finish fights." Barboza laughs at that statement. He whipped Rafaello Oliveira's legs again and again until he could stand no more. This is the second time Barboza won a fight this way, making him the first UFC fighter to do that.

Who were your stars from UFC 162? Speak up on Twitter and Facebook.

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/ufc-162-three-stars-chris-weidman-mark-munoz-144439658.html

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Monday, July 8, 2013

NEW CENTURY COLLECTOR Utah antiques journal: THE BEST ...

Although most collectors share the same love and intrigue of old things, we all seem to approach collecting with different motivations and goals.? For someone it might be an old piece of pottery, just the right color to accent the kitchen, for another, an example to fill in a hole in a burgeoning collection. Some are intrigued by historical context, and still others collect with an eye toward investment. Having been at it for 25 years, I have accumulated objects that fit into each of these categories. And I long ago, learned that there is no "right" way, or reason to?? collect. Each collector finds his own way.

As the years have past, our house seems to have become engorged with things we thought we just had to have. Shelves and cupboards house collections of things that caught our fancy at one time or another, becoming?roommates of objects strewn throughout the house for decorative purposes. But, on a couple of shelves, in one small cabinet, lives a small menagerie of things that distinguish themselves from the others, and which for me, characterize the most essential part of collecting.?You might call them our "memories shelves".? Residing there are Lyn's grandmothers watch, my fathers baby bowl; the sole survivor of a fire that took the family home in 1930. A cherished chalkware cow, which was a favorite childhood plaything, left to me by my grandmother, another grandmothers beaded bag, a collection of miniature hat boxes gifted to my ever bald grandfather by his haberdashers, and a 1950's rocket ship bank which ate coins as we amused ourselves around the kitchen table.? The house is full of things that we've acquired,? but these are the shelves that contain the things we value.Much like old photographs, journals and other documents, personal possessions left behind can help? preserve our family memories.?



I never saw my grandfather outside of his home, that he was not sporting a stylish chapeau.? Nothing could remind me more of him than the little collection of miniature hat boxes which I found in his bedroom dresser after his death. And don't forget, memories come in big packages as well. That dresser, along with it's matching dressing table, now reside in my bedroom, keeping my grandparents a constant presence in our lives.? And if you're lucky, your affinity for old family objects will become?trans-generational.? My grandson Alec keeps me?? constantly aware of my promise to pass along that rocket ship bank.? He'll share a few memories too, we still take it out of the cabinet once in a while, and amuse ourselves as we sit around the kitchen table and feed it coins.

Source: http://newcenturycollector.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-best-things-to-keep-on-your-shelf.html

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Sunday, July 7, 2013

China anxiously awaits updates after Asiana jet crash

Friends and relatives of Chinese passengers onboard the South Korean-owned passenger jet that crashed at San Francisco airport killing two and injuring 182 were anxiously waiting Sunday for news of their loved ones.

Chinese nationals made up 140 of the 290 people aboard the Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 which burst into flames after it landed short of the runway.

Among them were around 60 students and several teachers, with only one slightly injured and two unaccounted for, the Xinhua state news agency said.

The friend of one student told AFP she was waiting at San Francisco airport, frantically phoning people in China to find out details.

"My best friend is on the plane. I've been at the airport all day, trying to contact my friends in China to get updates on the accident," she told AFP over Sina Weibo, China's version of Twitter.

"I was really scared and am still trying to recover," she said. "You just never know when planes will have a problem."

Xu Da, a Chinese passenger on board, described the dramatic incident on CCTV.

"I noticed the plane was flying quite low when landing, and as it was just about to land the plane suddenly accelerated and the nose started to rise," he said. "But at the time the plane was flying extremely low already."

He added: "I felt a shock. The oxygen masks fell down and a bad smell began to spread throughout the plane. I could also see sparks in the front part of the plane."

Once the plane landed the cabin was a "mess", the back of the plane had a large hole and the kitchen there had disappeared, he described on Sina Weibo.

Xu and his wife collected their luggage and rushed out the makeshift exit at the back.

He posted photos showing people waiting outside while thick black smoke billowed from the plane, and then later from inside the airport, though the images could not be verified.

"I feel very fortunate," he wrote a little later, before posting another photo from a car leaving the scene.

Other travellers were left waiting for their flights as the airport shut down immediately after the incident before reopening a few runways.

A Chinese pilot surnamed Wang who was waiting to fly to Hong Kong told the official China News Service he was still trying to reach his friend on board.

"I haven't got in touch with him yet," he was quoted as saying.

When the plane crash-landed, he said, "the slide was released very quickly and the plane caught fire. The fire got bigger and bigger. First there was white smoke, then black smoke."

CCTV urged survivors and their loved ones to post information on the online messaging system We Chat so they could find one another.

Source: http://www.spacemart.com/reports/China_anxiously_awaits_updates_after_Asiana_jet_crash_999.html

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Glass Effect ? Day #2 of 4:01 a.m. Google+/Glass-related posts

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July 06, 2013

Glass Effect ? Day #2 of 4:01 a.m. Google+/Glass-related posts


This slot, focused on what's happening on my Google+,?is kind of a virtuous ? yeah, virtual too, as I think about it ? circle re: my getting in tune with Google Glass.

The more I use it the more I like it and the more things I realize I can do with it.


So having to create new material every day in the form of pictures and/or videos that appear in time for this post (as of right now ? 2:30 pm. Friday ? I've put up a total of eight new ones since yesterday's maiden voyage) not only provides a bit of diversion from your insomniac misery but also moves me along toward a better understanding of the power of the tool I've been given.


It appears that every picture and video I take with Glass is uploaded automatically (when I'm connected to the Internet via WiFi or cellphone network) to my Google+ page, where I can choose to delete them, make them public, or just let them rest there incognito till I decide what to do with them.

I wonder how long till the J.D. Salinger estate files suit to prevent Google from using Glass.



Above, a few shots of Gray Cat's hard knock life, taken over a 15 minute period yesterday afternoon.

That's my treadmill workspace in this photo:


Unless I note otherwise, assume that all photos and videos appearing on bookofjoe in this 4:01 a.m. slot were taken with Google Glass.

July 6, 2013 at 04:01 AM | Permalink


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