Monday, May 21, 2012

yong - P.O.V.: Gay Marriage and Relationships

By Jessica Snow,

P.O.V. Contributing Writer

With state by state passing new laws allowing same-sex marriages, it looked as if this taboo issue would finally be accepted nationwide.? Protests and rallies from people not accepting of the issue caused withdraws of these new laws, which resulted in newlyweds? marriages suddenly being no longer recognized.

It seems even living in a ?free country,? we are still limited on what is accepted -- either in terms of what our government has decided or what is socially acceptable by our peers.

For a religious organization to step up and fight against same-sex marriage is in my eyes what crosses the line of ?separation of church and state.?? For them to say marriage can only be between a man and a woman because that is how it is seen in a church point-of-view isn?t exactly following that. Who are the heterosexuals to say that same-sex couples are wrong, when clearly they do not have an open mind that sometimes you can?t help who you love, or that a gay person is not exactly choosing they like the same sex, but it?s just how they we?re born.

A same-sex marriage would not affect ?traditional marriage? in any way, so why not allow them the experience of marriage, too?? Who do they think they are to deny them committing a devotion of their love because of their sexual preference?

I hate to see the struggles that the gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual community has to deal with on a daily basis.? From getting denied a job, entry to a church, to randomly being attacked because of a same-sex attraction, it seems that ?being different? will only be tolerated up to a certain point.

I fully support gay marriage because the fact they too are humans and deserve every right and opinion that a straight person gets with no questions asked.? From a very young age, I thought they should never be singled out.

Have you ever thought to yourself why a strong view against gay marriage is any right to refuse people the happiness of legally committing to the love of their lives?

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