Thursday, January 17, 2013

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Research reveals exactly how the human brain adapts to injury

Jan. 16, 2013 ? For the first time, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University's Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging (CCBI) have used a new combination of neural imaging methods to discover exactly how the human brain adapts to injury. The research, published in Cerebral Cortex, shows that when one brain area loses functionality, a "back-up" team of secondary brain areas immediately activates, replacing not only the unavailable area but also its confederates.

"The human brain has a remarkable ability to adapt to various types of trauma, such as traumatic brain injury and stroke, making it possible for people to continue functioning after key brain areas have been damaged," said Marcel Just, the D. O. Hebb Professor of Psychology at CMU and CCBI director. "It is now clear how the brain can naturally rebound from injuries and gives us indications of how individuals can train their brains to be prepared for easier recovery. The secret is to develop alternative thinking styles, the way a switch-hitter develops alternative batting styles. Then, if a muscle in one arm is injured, they can use the batting style that relies more on the uninjured arm."

For the study, Just, Robert Mason, senior research psychologist at CMU, and Chantel Prat, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Washington, used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study precisely how the brains of 16 healthy adults adapted to the temporary incapacitation of the Wernicke area, the brain's key region involved in language comprehension. They applied Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in the middle of the fMRI scan to temporarily disable the Wernicke area in the participants' brains. The participants, while in the MRI scanner, were performing a sentence comprehension task before, during and after the TMS was applied. Normally, the Wernickearea is a major player in sentence comprehension.

The research team used the fMRI scans to measure how the brain activity changed immediately following stimulation to the Wernicke area. The results showed that as the brain function in the Wernicke area decreased following the application of TMS, a "back-up" team of secondary brain areas immediately became activated and coordinated, allowing the individual's thought process to continue with no decrease in comprehension performance.

The brain's back-up team consisted of three types of brain regions:

(1) contralateral areas -- areas that are in the mirror-image location of the brain;

(2) areas that are right next to the impaired area; and

(3) a frontal executive area.

"The first two types of back-up areas have similar brain capabilities as the impaired Wernicke area, although they are less efficient at the capability," Just said. "The third area plays a strategic role as in responding to the initial impairment and recruiting back-up areas with similar capabilities."

Additionally, the research showed that impairing the Wernicke area also negatively affected the cortical partners with which the Wernicke area had been working. "Thinking is a network function," Just explained. "When a key node of a network is impaired, the network that is closely collaborating with the impaired node is also impaired. People do their thinking with groups of brain areas, not with single brain areas."

Mason, the study's lead author, noted that following the TMS, the impaired area and its partners gradually returned to their previous levels of coordinated activity, while the back-up team of brain areas was still in place. "This means, that for some period of time, there were two cortical teams operating simultaneously, explaining why performance is sometimes improved by TMS," he said.

This research builds on Just's previous research on brain resilience after stroke and brain training to remediate dyslexia. The studies are motivated by a computational theory, called 4CAPS, that provides an account of how autonomous brain systems dynamically self-organize themselves in response to changing circumstances, which the researchers believe to be the basis of fluid intelligence.

Just, who uses brain imaging to understand how brain processes underpin various types of human thought, has helped to establish Carnegie Mellon as a world leader in brain sciences. The university recently launched a Brain, Mind and Learning initiative to build from its research excellence in psychology, computer science and computation to continue to solve real-world problems.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Carnegie Mellon University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. R. A. Mason, C. S. Prat, M. A. Just. Neurocognitive Brain Response to Transient Impairment of Wernicke's Area. Cerebral Cortex, 2013; DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhs423

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Hollie Hill's Atlanta Home Tour | The Everygirl

Upon entering Hollie Hill?s southern home, it would be impossible not to be charmed with its character. The 28-year-old nanny and blogger behind Home With The Hills, lives in the bustling city of Atlanta with her husband, Wesley. Their home may host a backdrop of neutral and classic pieces, but Hollie has made it come to life with vivacious pops of color and a surprise in every corner. From the chalkboard wall in the kitchen to the minty fresh paint on the front door, this couple?s home is truly unique.

While Hollie loves to add a ?design curveball? to her rooms, she prefers to invest in traditional basics. Over the last few years, she has patiently acquired antiques and custom pieces from local shops and markets. Hollie uses these pieces to add a simple, classic feel to their home and leaves the trendy touch to her accessories. By using the same tones throughout her home, she can mix and match accents in any room ? one week you may find a pillow on her dining room settee and the next on her guest bed. Sit back and relax as we catch up with Hollie on the entire design process and take a tour around her colorful Georgia abode.

Full name: Hollie Hill
Age: 28
Location: ?Atlanta, Georgia
Current title/company: ?Nanny and blogger behind Home with the Hills
Educational background: Graduated from University of Georgia with a degree in Journalism

You and your husband purchased your home in December of 2011. At what point did you feel secure enough to stop renting and become a homeowner? How did you work towards saving for a down payment?
We decided when we got married to rent for a couple years. It worked perfectly for us. It allowed us to save money and start collecting furniture. Decorating can be expensive, and we didn?t have any hand-me-downs to help us get started. We both put away money into a joint savings account every month to help us get ready to buy. Once we felt we had enough money to put down on a house, we knew we were ready.

What main attributes were you looking for in a home? What sold you on the home that you purchased?
Location was really important to us. We knew we wanted to be in the heart of Atlanta and weren?t ready to sacrifice on that. We were also looking for a house with a little character and charm. That way, we could add our own touches to make it a home, but it wouldn?t be too much of a project for us to take on. ?The house we bought didn?t require any major renovations. It had three bedrooms so we could grow, and it had two closets in the master (which is really rare for an older home). It had good bones, just needed a little love. Oh, and a paint job!

What advice would you give to a woman wanting to purchase her first house?
Stay within your budget! It is so hard not to go higher and higher on your price when looking for a home. I would advise you to stick to your budget so you have some room once you buy to do projects, decorate, and still go about your social life as you did before. There will always be unexpected expenses that come up?from air conditioning problems to falling tree limbs. And of course, you have to save some money for clothes!

What are your favorite/least favorite things about your home?
My favorite thing about our home is the neighborhood. There are so many young, fun girls living just around the corner. You don?t feel like you are in the middle of a busy city. I love that this house is ours, and we can do anything we want to it. It has been so much fun to paint, rip out tile, and install tile to make this house something we are proud of.

My least favorite thing would be the landscaping. We have been working so hard on the inside and making it pretty, but the outside needs some landscaping help. Yard work is on the To Do List, but I just haven?t gotten into gardening yet. I love decorating, and I hope one day I can love working in the yard just as much.

How would you describe your decorating style? Where do look for inspiration?
I am definitely a mix of a couple different styles. I would have to say I am traditional with a trendy touch, while keeping a simple and clean look. I have invested in traditional neutral-toned pieces as my basics. I like to accessorize with trendy, colorful pieces, and I love to find something odd or unique to add to a room, just to throw a curveball. One of my favorite things to do is to take something old and make it new. I love to see the opportunity in antique pieces. I don?t follow many decorating rules?if I love it, I buy it, and I find a place for it. I have used the same tones throughout most of my house, which allows me to mix and match my accents. I can take a pillow from my dining settee and throw it on my guest bed when I get bored. I love to rearrange! I enjoy looking through magazines and other blogs for inspiration. I have found so many great DIYs and cheap ideas by reading blogs.

You and your husband have done many renovations since purchasing your house. How do you decide whether a project is worth hiring out to a professional, versus going the DIY route?
Honestly, it?s by how much it costs. If the cost seems really high and we feel like it is something we can tackle, then we will try it! If it is something we know nothing about, then we will get a couple different quotes to make sure we are getting the best deal. Now, just because we take on some of our own projects doesn?t mean they all end perfectly. Not too long ago, Wesley fell through the ceiling while doing work in our attic. Then we learned how to patch drywall. Sometimes projects are learning experiences.

What was the decorating process like? How long has it taken to get your home to look the way it does now? Would you say that your home is still a work-in-progress?
Once we moved into our house, I was determined to buy pieces I loved, not just pieces to fill space. I have had to learn to be patient and wait. We are just now coming up on a year in our house, and even though there are still projects on my list, I feel really good about the progress we made in one year. I have had to pick up a paintbrush myself and knock out a couple of DIYs to get to the point we are at. My husband and my family have been a huge help in the process. I am known to one friend as a ?machine? because I will work non-stop until I can complete a project.

How did you save money when decorating/renovating your house? What advice would you offer others to do the same?
I made a list in the beginning of things that ?needed? to be done and things I ?wanted? to be done. Then I planned a party at my house a couple months later. Crazy? Maybe! But it gave me a goal to get things done by a date. After the party, we took a break and let our pocketbooks fill back up. Then I set a date for another party and got out my lists again.

Another way I saved money was by having pieces for my house custom-made. It sounds like it would be the opposite, but actually, I saved a ton. I found dealers at Scotts Antique Market and told them what I wanted, and they built it for me. I had my dining table, coffee table, console table and a light fixture all custom-made for a lot cheaper than if I had bought them from a store. And the best part is that they are just mine, my color choice, stain, dimensions, and even design. I got to personally design my dining table?it doesn?t get better than that.

I would tell others to find an antiques show near you and keep an open mind?its not all granny chic. Also, be patient! Sometimes if you just wait a month or so, there will be some holiday or other reason stores are having a sale. Fall Sale, Columbus Day Sale, End of Summer Sale, Friends & Family Sale? there are a lot more sales out there than just Black Friday!

What is your favorite budget-friendly piece in your home, and why?
That?s tough! I have found a lot of good deals on furniture, lighting, and accessories. I think I would have to say a painting by one of my friends is my favorite piece. It means so much to me to have something hanging in my house that was?done for me by a friend.

When did you start your blog, Home with the Hills, and why? What were you hoping to get out of it?
I started my blog a couple of years ago as a way for my family and friends to keep up with us and what we were doing. We are go, go, go all the time, and it made it easy for them to follow us. It is so sweet when my grandmother tells me she checks my blog everyday to see if I?ve done anything new. I really liked being able to share personal pictures and stories for them to see.

Now, I have realized I really enjoy blogging and like to share my thoughts, inspirations, recipes, DIYs, gift guides, shopping trips, everything with readers. It is a way for me to have a creative escape. I hope that my friends, family, and readers enjoy the content on my blog.

What are your current career aspirations? Where would you like to see yourself in five years?
I hope to continue to do things that I love. I have so many interests and would love to take some of those ideas to an entrepreneurial level. ?In five years, I hope to continue working the kinds of jobs that give me the most personal, inner satisfaction and allow me to positively influence the lives of others.

What advice would you give your 23-year-old self?
When it comes to decorating, I would like to tell myself that my style will change greatly in the next couple of years. Do not spend a lot of money on cheap furniture to fill the space. Live with hand-me-downs and empty spaces. Wait until you really know the styles you like and invest in good, nice pieces of furniture. Those are the pieces you will take with you from house to house for many years.


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Steven Levy | Wired | 15 January 2013

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lance Armstrong may not be done confessing

In this Monday, Jan. 14, 2013 photo provided by Harpo Studios Inc., cyclist Lance Armstrong listens to a question from Oprah Winfrey during taping for the show "Oprah and Lance Armstrong: The Worldwide Exclusive" in Austin, Texas. The two-part episode of "Oprah's Next Chapter" will air nationally Thursday and Friday, Jan. 17-18, 2013. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Harpo Studios, Inc., George Burns)

In this Monday, Jan. 14, 2013 photo provided by Harpo Studios Inc., cyclist Lance Armstrong listens to a question from Oprah Winfrey during taping for the show "Oprah and Lance Armstrong: The Worldwide Exclusive" in Austin, Texas. The two-part episode of "Oprah's Next Chapter" will air nationally Thursday and Friday, Jan. 17-18, 2013. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Harpo Studios, Inc., George Burns)

This Monday, Jan. 14, 2013 photo provided by Harpo Studios Inc., shows talk-show host Oprah Winfrey interviewing cyclist Lance Armstrong during taping for the show "Oprah and Lance Armstrong: The Worldwide Exclusive" in Austin, Texas. The two-part episode of "Oprah's Next Chapter" will air nationally Thursday and Friday, Jan. 17-18, 2013. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Harpo Studios, Inc., George Burns)

FILE - In this July 23, 2000, file photo, winner Lance Armstrong rides down the Champs Elysees after the final stage of the Tour de France cycling race in Paris. Armstrong also won the Prince of Asturias Award in Sports in 2000. Armstrong was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles and banned for life by cycling's governing body following a report from the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency that accused him of leading a massive doping program on his teams. (AP Photo/Laurent Rebours, File)

FILE - In this July 22, 2004, file photo, Lance Armstrong reacts as he crosses the finish line to win the 17th stage of the Tour de France cycling race between Bourd-d'Oisans and Le Grand Bornand, French Alps. In 2004, Armstrong was also named Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year and ESPN's ESPY Award for Best Male Athlete. (AP Photo/Laurent Rebours, File)

FILE - In this Aug. 29, 2012, file photo, Lance Armstrong talks to supporters prior to a run on Mont Royal Park in Montreal. Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer in 1996. Within minutes of Armstrong announcing he would step down as chairman of Livestrong, the foundation he created to support people with cancer, his longtime endorser Nike issued a statement saying it would be cutting sponsorship ties with the cyclist amid allegations of doping. Armstrong is said to be worth around $100 million, but most sponsors dropped him after USADA's scathing report _ at the cost of tens of millions of dollars. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Graham Hughes, File)

Lance Armstrong may not be done confessing.

His interview with Oprah Winfrey hasn't aired yet, but already some people want to hear more ? under oath ? before Armstrong is allowed to compete in elite triathlons, a sport he returned to after retiring from cycling in 2011. In addition to stripping him of all seven of his Tour de France titles last year, anti-doping officials banned Armstrong for life from sanctioned events.

"He's got to follow a certain course," David Howman, director general of World Anti-Doping Agency, told the AP. "That is not talking to a talk show host."

Armstrong already has had conversations with U.S. Anti-Doping Agency officials, touching off speculation that the team leader who demanded loyalty from others soon may face some very tough choices himself: whether to cooperate and name those who aided, knew about or helped cover up a sophisticated doping ring that Armstrong ran on his tour-winning U.S. Postal Service squads. Former teammate Frankie Andreu, one of several riders Armstrong cast aside on his ride to the top of the sport, said no one could provide a better blueprint for cleaning up the sport.

"Lance knows everything that happened," Andreu told The Associated Press. "He's the one who knows who did what because he was the ringleader. It's up to him how much he wants to expose."

World Anti-Doping Agency officials said nothing short of "a full confession under oath" would even cause them to reconsider the ban. Although Armstrong admitted to Winfrey on Monday that he used performance-enhancing drugs, Howman said that is "hardly the same as giving evidence to a relevant authority." The International Cycling Union also urged Armstrong to tell his story to an independent commission it has set up to examine claims that the sport's governing body hid suspicious samples, accepted financial donations, and helped Armstrong avoid detection in doping tests.

Winfrey wouldn't detail what Armstrong said during their interview at a downtown Austin hotel. In an appearance on "CBS This Morning," she said she was "mesmerized and riveted by some of his answers." What had been planned as a 90-minute broadcast will be shown as a two-part special, Thursday and Friday, on Winfrey's OWN network.

The lifetime ban was imposed after a 1,000-page report by USADA last year outlined a complex, long-running doping program led by Armstrong. The cyclist also lost nearly all of his endorsements and was forced to cut ties with the Livestrong cancer charity he founded in 1997. The damage to Armstrong's reputation was just as severe.

The report portrayed him as well-versed in the use of a wide range of performance-enhancers, including steroids and blood boosters such as EPO, and willing to exploit them to dominate. Nearly a dozen teammates provided testimony about that drug regimen, among them Andreu and his wife, Betsy.

"A lot of it was news and shocking to me," Andreu said. "I am sure it's shocking to the world. There's been signs leading up to this moment for a long time. For my wife and I, we've been attacked and ripped apart by Lance and all of his people, and all his supporters repeatedly for a long time. I just wish they wouldn't have been so blind and opened up their eyes earlier to all the signs that indicated there was deception there, so that we wouldn't have had to suffer as much.

"And it's not only us," he added, "he's ruined a lot of people's lives."

Armstrong was believed to have left for Hawaii. The street outside his Spanish-style villa on Austin's west side was quiet the day after international TV crews gathered there hoping to catch a glimpse of him. Meanwhile, members of his legal team mapped out a strategy on how to handle at least two pending lawsuits against Armstrong, and possibly a third.

Former teammate Floyd Landis, who was stripped of the 2006 Tour de France title for doping, alleges in one of the lawsuits that Armstrong defrauded the U.S. government by repeatedly denying he used performance-enhancing drugs. The False Claims Act lawsuit could require Armstrong to return substantial sponsorship fees and pay a hefty fine. The AP reported earlier Tuesday that Justice Department officials were likely to join the whistleblower lawsuit before a Thursday deadline.


Jim Litke reported from Chicago, Jim Vertuno from Austin, Texas. Stephen Wilson in London and John L. Mone in Dearborn, Mich., also contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Marla Sokoloff?s Blog: Adventures in Baby Traveling

We spent our Christmas vacation in paradise on the Big Island of Hawaii, but I'm here to tell you that getting there was nothing short of a nightmare. I'm not going to lie or candy-coat this blog at all because this experience was one I never want to relive.


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Pakistan Supreme Court orders arrest of prime minister

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan's Supreme Court ordered the arrest of the prime minister in connection with a corruption case linked to power projects, television channels reported on Tuesday, plunging the country into fresh political turmoil.

The move came as a populist cleric, who is believed to be backed by the military, demanded the resignation of the government in protests attended by thousands of followers in the heart of the capital Islamabad.

The Supreme Court gave authorities 24 hours to arrest Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and 16 others.

Pakistan's stock exchange fell by nearly three percent after news of the court order, highlighting anxiety over political uncertainty.

The cleric, Muhammad Tahirul Qadri, threatened to remain camped out near the federal parliament with thousands of supporters until his demands were met. Qadri recently returned home from Canada to lead a call for reforms that has made him an instant hit among Pakistanis disillusioned with the state.

It was not clear how much of a potent threat the two events posed for the U.S.-backed civilian government, but the court order and the mass protest around the parliament complex are the latest in a series of challenges for the administration.

In a speech from behind a bullet-proof shield in front of parliament, Qadri praised the military and the judiciary, the country's two other power centers.

"(The government) has wasted and brought a bad end to our armed forces, those armed forces who are highly sincere, highly competent and highly capable and highly professional," he said, alternating between Urdu and English.

"Even they can't do anything because the political government isn't able to deliver anything from this land. Judgments are being passed by our great, independent judiciary but the government is not ready to implement them."

A spokesman for the cleric said protesters would remain camped around parliament until the government dissolved the legislature and announced the formation of a caretaker government.

At one point, security forces fired in the air and used tear gas to try and control the crowd. Interior Minister Rehman Malik later told local television channels the government would not cave in to Qadri.

"We will not accept Qadri's pressure because his demands are unconstitutional," Malik said.


Qadri's campaign has divided Pakistanis. Some hold him up as a champion of reform, others see him as a possible stooge of the military, which has a history of coups and interfering in elections.

But he can mobilize thousands of members of his Minhaj-ul-Quran religious organization, which runs a network of schools and clinics and organizes relief for victims of natural disasters.

"He's spent huge money and he's putting his life on the line, he's here to redeem the people," said Mohammed Waqas Iqbal, a local government official who had travelled from a village in northern Punjab to attend the rally in Islamabad.

Like many of the protesters, Iqbal is an active member of Qadri's organization, attending daily prayers at a mosque it runs in his village.

Qadri, who holds a doctorate in Islamic law, has impressed his followers with his readiness to leave a comfortable life in Canada to brave the potential security threats associated with participating in Pakistani politics.

"He's an honest man, that's why we believe in him," said Waqas Ali, a garment wholesaler from the eastern city of Lahore, who said he had spent his own money to fund the journey to Islamabad, and was sleeping on the streets.

Qadri also appeared to have found some supporters who are not members of his religious movement but who hope he may be able to tackle the corruption, economic stagnation and chronic power crisis that has festered under the government of President Asif Ali Zardari.

"Dr Qadri could have stayed in Canada with a luxurious lifestyle, but he came to Pakistan to fight for the people," said Hassan Khan, a bus conductor.

"If I run out of money I am willing to sell my blood for this struggle."

Pakistan's established political parties fear the military is backing Qadri's movement in the hope it will trigger a crisis that will provide a new opportunity for the army to meddle in politics ahead of elections due to take place this spring.


The government and opposition are poised to start negotiating the formation of a caretaker administration to oversee the run-up to the polls as soon as parliament is dissolved, which is due to happen in March. An election date has yet to be announced.

Qadri's platform hinges on a demand that the judiciary bars corrupt politicians from running for office and that the army plays a possible role in the formation of the caretaker government.

One senior military officer, who said he was speaking in a purely personal capacity, said there was no appetite in the military to repeat the coups seen in Pakistan's past, but added the stand-off could be resolved if the army played a role as a "moderator".

"We should try as far as possible to abide by the constitution and law in looking for change. The army chief has made this clear," the officer said.

"But things seem to be moving beyond control," the officer added. "It is totally incorrect to say the army is behind Qadri. But if he brings thousands of people to the streets and things get worse, there may be very few options."

The rally began on Monday and many of the protesters had stayed on the streets overnight. The spokesman for Qadri said his supporters had prevented government forces from arresting him.

Besides the protest, the government is battling several other challenges.

Tens of thousands of Shi'ite Muslims, a minority in Pakistan, began burying the victims of a sectarian attack in a mass grave on Monday, ending an extraordinary three-day protest over one of the worst such attacks in the country's history.

People from the Shi'ite Hazara community had been holding a vigil next to the bodies of the 96 people killed in Thursday's bombings in the city of Quetta to demand better protection from a rising tide of such attacks.

The Shi'ite leaders only agreed to hold the burials after Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf travelled to the provincial capital and agreed to some of their demands.

The government is also struggling to control Taliban insurgents based near the border with Afghanistan. Six paramilitary soldiers were killed in a gunbattle with militants in northwest Pakistan overnight, military officials said.

(Additional reporting by Mubasher Bukhari in ISLAMABAD and Jibran Ahmad in PESHAWAR; Writing by Michael Georgy; Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan)


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NICE backs drugs for preventing breast cancer

LONDON (Reuters) - British women with a family history of breast cancer could be offered two drugs to try to prevent the disease under draft guidelines published by the country's healthcare cost watchdog.

Tamoxifen and raloxifene are already approved in the United States and other countries for preventing breast cancer in high-risk patients, but they have not so far been made available as preventative therapies in Britain.

The new proposal by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was welcomed by patient groups on Tuesday.

"This is exciting as, even though most women do not have a significant family history of the disease, it's crucial that those who do have an array of options to help them control their risk," said Chris Askew, chief executive of the charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

NICE, which decides if drugs should be paid for on the state health service, has launched a consultation on the proposed new guidelines.

Tamoxifen was originally developed by AstraZeneca but has long been off patent. Raloxifene is the generic name of Eli Lilly's Evista, which also faces generic competition in Europe.

(Reporting by Ben Hirschler; Editing by Mark Potter)


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Researchers end quest to drill through 3km of ice after fuel runs low

Researchers end quest to drill through 3km of ice

Sad to say, but British researchers have called off their quest to drill through the 3km-thick sheet of ice over Lake Ellsworth in Antarctica. The mission to find organisms that have evolved in isolation for at least 100,000 years was called off after the team realized it didn't have enough fuel to power its water jet drill all the way to the lake. Complications arose trying to connect the drill's main hose to a cavity of water created in the ice by a short pilot hose. The team burned through so much fuel trying to get the hose connected properly that they no longer had enough left to reach the lake below the glacier's surface. The plan has not been scrapped entirely, however. The scientists are heading back to the UK, along with all their kit, to revise their plan and modify their equipment for the next attempt. Still, it appears breaking through to Lake Ellsworth is at least three years out. For more from geoscientist and expedition member Martin Siegert, check out the source link.

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Source: New Scientist


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Oppo Find 5 gets January 29 retail date in China, likely soon after in US, Europe

Oppo Find 5 gets January 29 retail date in China, likely soon after elsewhere

Big handset fans (we'll abstain from the ph-word) will soon have another option in the Oppo Find 5, as it's set to go on pre-order in China for 2,998 yuan ($485) on January 15th. That sum will get buyers there the 16GB model (pricing for the 32GB version in China hasn't been released), which Oppo will drop in the mail starting on January 29th in all its 5-inch, 1080P, quad-core glory. The company said earlier that it would try to bring the natty looking model to North America, Europe and elsewhere soon afterwards, at $500 stateside for the 16GB model and $570 for the 32GB version. So, if other size-comparable models aren't meeting your pixel-density needs, start revving up that plastic.

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Via: Engadget Chinese (translated)

Source: Oppo Store


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Chengdu ranks 2nd on list of top 10 happiest Chinese cities in 2012

The latest list of the ten happiest Chinese cities, based on a public survey conducted by Oriental outlook magazine and the China Association of Mayors, was released on Dec. 30, 2012. Southern China's city of Hangzhou tops the list, followed by Chengdu in Sichuan Province and Ningbo in Zhejiang Province.

Since the survey launched in Sept. of last year, more than 30 million people across 50 major and 50 county-level cities have been involved via newspaper or online questionnaires. The evaluation took into account 22 factors such as overall pricing, pace of life, level of convenience, environment, housing, education and transportation.?


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ChangeWave claims everything is fine for iPhone 5 demand

You surely have heard of the ups and downs to Apple?s stock most likely in response to rumors of weak iPhone 5 demand. Well, now ChangeWave is offering a different conclusion. According to data collected by the firm, iPhone 5 demand is perfectly fine. At the time of this survey, 50% of potential smartphone buyers were interested in the iPhone, while only 21% were interested in the Samsung Galaxy S III. That?s half of what the iPhone was at, and people are claiming the iPhone 5 demand is weak. So if there is anything to worry about for Apple and its investors, it shouldn?t be iPhone 5 demand.

Also included in the report was some information on satisfaction of customers, separated by mobile OS. Believe it or not, Windows Phone, at 53%, beat out Android, at 48%. iOS, one of the most well regarded of the mobile operating systems, was had the best satisfaction at 71%. Reports earlier today were talking of how the iPhone 5 supply orders were actually cut because of improvements in the supplier performance. Guess we will all find out what is going on soon, as Apple?s investors call is scheduled for later this month.

What do you think? Interested in the reasons? Ready to hear the numbers? Let us know in the comments, or tweet me @TiP_Kyle.


Via: iDownloadBlog, ChangeWave


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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Marla Sokoloff?s Blog: Adventures in Baby Traveling

We spent our Christmas vacation in paradise on the Big Island of Hawaii, but I'm here to tell you that getting there was nothing short of a nightmare. I'm not going to lie or candy-coat this blog at all because this experience was one I never want to relive.


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What is Auto Insurance? | Surfing Dinosaur

There are more cars hitting the road each year. With so many vehicles on the road, accidents can happen. The difference between a small bother and large pain can be the car insurance you have purchased. But why do you need insurance and just how much should you get? Required coverage varies by state/province but typically includes the following: Liability: Bodily injury and property damage that you have caused will be covered under liability insurance. If you are in legal trouble, liability insurance will pay for your legal fees. Recommended, higher levels of insurance are available that cover more events than the stripped-down, state-mandated varieties. Personal Injury Protection: This type of insurance pays for hospital bills and other medical treatment for you or your passengers, regardless of who was responsible for the collision. It is mandated in some states and optional in others. This insurance can also cover lost wages, replacement of services and funeral expenses. The minimum amount of personal injury protection is usually set by the state. Medical Payments: Medical payment coverage can be purchased in states that are not considered no-fault; it will pay despite who may be responsible. All necessary medical or funeral expenses will be covered under this insurance coverage. Collision: Pays for damages to your vehicle caused by an accident. Comprehensive: This kind of insurance protection takes care of all damages not caused by a collision. This could include fire damage, vandalism, and robbery. Uninsured Motorist: Too many drivers are breaking the law by driving a car without owning the right amount of car insurance. This type of coverage will protect you if you are in an accident with one of these drivers. Under-Insured Motorist: Just like uninsured motorist protection, this kind of insurance protects you against people driving without enough insurance coverage. Other policies, including car rental, are also available. What you pay for car insurance varies by company and will depend on multiple factors, including: *Your selected coverage *Your vehicle?s make and model * Whether or not you have been in an accident * Your age, gender and marital status * Where you live Many people consider car insurance to be a necessary evil, but it can rescue your finances. Review your needs, research your options, and with the guidance of your insurance agency, make the decision that fits you best. State Farm Belleville IL


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ANALYSIS: Why France is taking on Mali extremists

According to military sources and witnesses, more than 100 people, including rebels and government soldiers, were killed during an air assault by French forces. Msnbc's Thomas Roberts reports.


By Alastair Jamieson, Staff writer, NBC News

News analysis

Once characterized as a nation of "surrender monkeys," France's decision to put boots on the ground in Mali to battle?Islamist insurgents will surprise some.

In what threatens to be a lengthy and dangerous campaign, Friday's sudden military action?marked an urgent escalation in the regional conflict.

Faced with the prospect of Mali falling into the hands of jihadists ? including some who boast links to al-Qaida ??French Mirage and Rafale jets spent the weekend bombarding rebel strongholds while 550 of the country's troops battled militants.

France was warned Monday it had "opened the gates of hell" by intervening in Mali.?Paris had "fallen into a trap which is much more dangerous than Iraq, Afghanistan or Somalia," a spokesman for the MUJWA group of rebels told Europe 1 radio.

But some analysts suggested French President Francois Hollande, a Socialist who has been dubbed "Monsieur Caramel Pudding,"?had little choice but to act.

"It is difficult to see what other option France had,"?Paul Melly, associate fellow of the Africa program at Britain?s Chatham House think tank, told NBC News on Monday.

Having the former French colony under the control of rebels could have created a haven for al-Qaida militants, Melly said, in area much closer to Western Europe than Afghanistan or the Middle East.

Since a military coup in March last year, extremist groups including al-Qaida in the Magreb (AQIM), MUJWA and Algeria?s Ansar Dine have flourished and imposed Shariah law in some parts of the country.

France says its intervention was a response to an urgent appeal from Mali's president. That was prompted by an advance by a heavily armed rebel convoy.?

Mali?s military has proved weak in tackling the rebel uprising. Units that had been trained by United States special forces almost immediately defected to the rebel side ? a collapse that "astounded and embarrassed to American military commanders," according to The New York Times.

The newspaper reported that the United States has spent between $520 and $600 million in the past four years in an effort to prevent West Africa replacing Afghanistan and the Middle East as a new theater of conflict with Islamist terrorists.

The new Islamist rulers of northern Mali are not just torturing and maiming those who do not follow their views, they are systematically extinguishing one of Africa's most diverse cultures. In the third of her series of reports from Mali, Channel 4 Europe's International Editor, Lindsey Hilsum, hears how the country's proud heritage is being threatened.

France on Monday insisted it was satisfied with the progress of the campaign ? named Operation Serval after a wild cat ? and rejected any parallel with the protracted U.S.-led mission in Afghanistan.

Military engagement would last "a matter of weeks," Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told reporters in Paris, saying: "Later on, we can come as back-up, but we have no intention of staying forever."

France has not asked NATO for assistance, but two British C17 cargo planes are providing support.??Troops from neighboring states of Niger, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Togo, are now expected within days.

The Obama administration is set to announce military support for French forces in Mali, U.S. officials told NBC News. This is likely to include intelligence and overhead surveillance involving unmanned drones.?Officials added that it was possible that a small number of U.S. advisers could be tasked to work directly with French forces on the ground, but not in a combat role.


"We stand by our French allies and they can count on U.S. support," Air Force Maj. Robert Firman, in the office of the defense secretary, told The Associated Press.

Rebels seized the central town of Diabaly on Monday, French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told Reuters, adding that French and Malian forces were also battling heavily-armed rebel groups in the west of the country, which he admitted was "a difficult spot."

French fighter jets identified and destroyed this numerous rebel training camps that served as bases for terrorist groups, the French defense ministry said Sunday.

Dozens of Islamist fighters were also killed when rockets struck a fuel depot and a customs house being used as their headquarters, Agence France Press (AFP) reported.

Reuters highlighted that Mali has traditionally been relatively stable until a Tuareg rebel was "hijacked by Islamists":

Two decades of peaceful elections had earned Mali a reputation as a bastion of democracy in turbulent West Africa but that image unraveled after a military coup in March left a power vacuum for MNLA Tuareg rebels to seize the desert north.?

The MUJWA, an AQIM splinter group drawing on support from Arabs and other ethnic groups, wrested control of Gao - the main city of the north - from the Tuaregs in June, shocking Mali's liberal Muslim majority with amputation of hands for theft under Sharia law.?

'Death trap'
Heavily armed thanks to their involvement in neighboring Libya, the Islamists are likely to deploy all possible tactics against French forces on the ground.

"They have been preparing these towns to be a death trap," Rudolph Atallah, the former director of African counterterrorism policy for the Pentagon, told the New York Times. "If an intervention force goes in there, the militants will turn it into an insurgency war."

Not all experts agree with comparisons to Afghanistan. "It isn't helpful to see it in those terms," Melly told NBC News.

In contrast to the tribal society of Afghanistan, often dismissed as ungovernable by despairing Western military commanders, Mali "has had a structured, functioning government for the past 150 years," he said.

Islamists drive out hundreds of thousands from their homes as refugee camps struggle to deal with the mass exodus.? Lindsey Hilsum Channel 4 Europe reports.??

"The West African form of Islam is not in tune with the hardline, Shariah law that the jihadists have been trying to impose, so there isn't popular support for it. Education is valued, for example, and women play a role in public life."

However, finding a political solution will be a long task will not be easy.

"The underlying problems that led to the rebellion in the first place still remain," Melly added.

There is also a growing humanitarian crisis. "Thousands of people are fleeing across the border into Mauritania and into camps?where there is not enough provision for them,? Alessandra Giuffrida, an associate of the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, told Al Jazeera.

NBC News' Jim Miklaszewski and Courtney Kube and Reuters contributed to this report.

Related stories:?

Obama: US forces helped France in failed Somalia rescue attempt

Full Africa coverage from NBC News



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China's Internet population surges to 564 million, 75 percent on mobile

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More Chinese citizens than ever have access to the Internet thanks to mobile technology driving Internet penetration.

According a governmental report released by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), an estimated 51 million new Chinese users accessed the Internet in 2012, bringing the number of online users to 564 million, an increase of ten percent. This, in turn, has boosted the country?s penetration rate by 3.8 percentage points -- reaching 42.1 percent -- since the end of 2011.

The increase in users, which is larger than the population of Spain, has been laid at the feet of mobile technology. The mobile tech boom, which includes the increased use of tablets and smartphones, has made connecting to online networks easier for Chinese citizens. As a result, the report says that those who go online via tablets, smartphones and wireless networks increased by 18.1 percent, bringing the wireless mobile population to 420 million.

First reported by Techweb, the report also states that while Internet cafes have begun to slide in popularity, desktop computer use also fell by nearly three percentage points in 2012, and laptop use dropped to 45.9 percent of users. Mobile technology use has leapt from 69.3 percent to 74.5 percent.

Microblogging increased six percentage points, growing to a population of 309 million Chinese Internet users. Online shopper rates ramped up to 242 million people. Using mobile technology to buy items online has increased by 6.6 percentage points compared to 2011.

Earlier this month, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology estimated that China's Internet population will reach roughly 800 million users by 2015. Mobile Internet access, enjoying a prominent place worldwide, is expected to drive Internet penetration in order to reach this goal, especially as there are over 1 billion mobile phone users in the country.


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Conn. group launches anti-violence initiative

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) ? Parents of children slain in the Connecticut school massacre held photos of their sons and daughters, cried, hugged and spoke in quavering voices as they called for a national dialogue to help prevent similar tragedies.

"I do not want to be someone sharing my experience and consoling another parent next time. I do not want there to be a next time," said Nicole Hockley, whose son Dylan was among the 20 first-graders and six adults killed by a gunman a month ago at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Members of the newly formed group Sandy Hook Promise spoke out as politicians from Maine to New Mexico marked the one month that has passed since the shooting with renewed demands for tighter gun control.

The Sandy Hook group says it wants to have open-minded discussions about a range of issues, including guns, mental health and safety in schools and other public places. Several speakers said they did not believe there was a single solution.

"We want the Sandy Hook school shootings to be recalled as the turning point where we brought our community and communities across the nation together and set a real course for change," said group co-founder Tom Bittman.

While the Sandy Hook group did not offer specific remedies, mayors and governors in favor of tighter gun restrictions lobbied for a series of them Monday.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday night that a tougher gun control bill was ready for the Legislature's review. The bill went to lawmakers for their consideration and legislative leaders predicted it would pass. The measure included called for a tougher assault weapons ban and restrictions on ammunition and the sale of guns.

Earlier, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg addressed a summit on gun violence at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and argued for greater federal gun control, including background checks for all purchases and a federal crackdown on trafficking.

"Every state in the union has citizens killed by guns coming from another state and every state is powerless to stop the mayhem," Bloomberg said.

Bloomberg is co-chairman of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, whose members spoke out Monday in cities including Portland, Maine; Fort Wayne, Ind.; and Santa Fe, N.M.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said he has ordered an analysis of city employee pension funds to see if they hold companies that make or sell assault weapons. In Cranford, N.J., a group of mayors backing new restrictions were joined by a man whose 23-year-old son was shot to death in the 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech.

"I'm just one member of a Virginia Tech family, Newtown has theirs, Aurora has theirs, Tucson has theirs, and now we're starting to come together," Michael Pohle said. "This coalition is growing, and it's going to become more powerful, and we're going to have the ability to influence elections as well."

The gun control debate heated up after 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14 and killed 26 people before committing suicide as police arrived. He also killed his mother at their Newtown home before driving to the school and carrying out the massacre.

President Barack Obama is reviewing proposals from Vice President Joe Biden, who is leading a task force on ways to reduce gun violence. Obama told reporters Monday he is looking at actions he can take on his own to confront gun violence amid resistance from the National Rifle Association and wariness among lawmakers from both parties.

The NRA has fiercely opposed new gun control laws and has called for "a meaningful conversation" about school safety, mental health issues and marketing violence to children.

A number of governors were already moving ahead with proposals to toughen state laws.

In Delaware, Gov. Jack Markell on Monday proposed background checks for private gun sales and a ban on military-style weapons. A package of gun control proposals also included a ban on magazines holding more than five rounds for rifles and 10 rounds for handguns, and a ban on guns within 1,000 feet of schools.

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, speaking at the same Baltimore summit as Bloomberg, said he will be advocating a broad array of proposals this legislative session, including a ban on military-style weapons, stricter licensing requirements, school safety and mental health concerns.

"This will be a comprehensive legislative package to prevent gun violence, and it addresses not only the guns but also mental health and school safety," O'Malley said.

Jeremy Richman, whose daughter Avielle was killed at Sandy Hook, said a deeper understanding of mental health issues is essential. He and his wife, Jennifer Hensel, started a foundation to explore issues such as risk factors and successful interventions.

Richman spoke at the same news conference as Hockley, who said she still finds herself reaching for her son Dylan's hand or expecting him to crawl into bed with her for a hug before school.

"It's so hard to believe he's gone," she said.

At Stratford, Conn., where Victoria Soto had lived, the town decided to rename HoneySpot Elementary School after her. Soto, 27, was a teacher at Sandy Hook when she died trying to shield her students from the gunman.


Contributing were Associated Press writers Brian Witte in Baltimore; Randall Chase in Wilmington, Del.; Samantha Henry in Cranford, N.J.; and Michael Gormley and Michael Hill in Albany, N.Y.


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Blog Design: How To Customize Your Blog In Just Minutes | Andrea ...

If you are looking to make money online, hopefully by now you have bought your domain name, set up your hosting account and installed WordPress! If not, here?s a quick tutorial on how to start making money with a blog. Today I want to share with you how I made the this blog look so nice, clean and user friendly and how you can customize your blog design too!

Free Vs. Premium Theme For Your Blog

There are thousands upon thousands of WordPress Themes you can use to customize your blog. When you look at this blog you probably thought, GEESH, if only I could create a blog like that! Well to be honest, I?ve been through 3 different blog designs in as many years and to get the current look I have now, I paid $70 for my WordPress Theme. But it?s not just the theme that brings a blog to life and highlights your brand but the dozens of awesome features you can use to personalize it yourself. The biggest benefit to investing in a premium WordPress theme is that you don?t have to fork over thousands of dollars and a ton of time to get the same results as a top-notch professional blog!

So where did I get my WordPress Theme? I use a company called Woothemes!

So whether you decide to invest a little more in a premium theme or go with free theme, uploading it is simple, once you?ve found there perfect design. To get your theme installed follow these quick steps:

1. Login to your WordPress Admin and click Appearance
2. Click Themes and then at the top of the page click ?Install Themes?
3. Click upload and then search for your theme zip file and then click install now
4. Then you are finished! How simple was that.

If you purchase your theme from Woothemes, take some time to play around with the features and settings. Scroll down to the bottom of the sidebar in your WordPress Admin and click the name of your theme. Having a great blog design, one that is clean, professional and easy to navigate is extremely important to how well people receive your content.

WordPress Settings

We?ve all heard the phrase ? ?Beauty is skin deep?. Well the same applies to your blog. What good is it to have a gorgeous looking blog that no one really gets to know. One major thing I see a lot of new blogger?s do is not make their website search engine friendly.

Quite frankly, when you understand WHY things rank the way they do, dominating the search engines is as easy as 1,2,3?it?s the little things that sometimes make all the difference.

Organic,keyword driven content is the easiest source of traffic. The very first thing you should do when optimizing your WordPress blog is to look at your first blog post URL. By default your blog URL will look something like this when you really want it to say

To increase you SEO ranks and your traffic, you want your URLs, blog post titles, taglines and headlines to be what you expect people to be searching for in Google, not just something that sounds cool. While catchy headlines and titles are great you want a combination of targeted keywords inserted in there as well.

So the question is?

How do you make your links search engine friendly?

To make your links search engine friendly follow these simple steps:

1. Go to your WordPress Admin and click Settings
2. Click Permalinks on the left side.
3. Change the settings to Custom Structure and use the code /%postname%/ ? This will now make your blog post link?s SEO friendly.

For more on updating your WordPress settings check out this detailed blog training:

Another important place to maximize your search engine traffic is to optimize the title and description for every page and post you publish. There are a number of different tools you can use, but I personally use a FREE plugin called All in One SEO Pack to do this.

Another quick tip is to edit the details in the General settings section of your WordPress blog.

It is really important to choose the right page title, if you look at the this blog you will see that my title is filled with target keywords which tells readers exactly what my site is about: Online Marketing Training, Resources and Mentoring, Make Money Online, etc?

My page title has a list of my most important keyword phrases and you should do the same. If you are creating a weight loss focused blog, this is how you should create your tagline and headline on your website.

Weight Loss Blog| weight loss | lose weight fast | your specialty weight loss blog |
better weight loss methods | shrink bellyfat

This would cause Google to ?find? me faster and my keywords will dominate FAST!

If you are interested in learning more about Search Engine Optimization and keyword research , then check out this video:

Building Your List

More Traffic, leads, readers and subscribers, all equal more money for you. There is only one thing more important than driving traffic to your site?Getting traffic to stay on your site. One of the most effective ways to hook readers is trough your RSS Feed. Now remember you must have useful content that people actually want to read to keep them coming back so always lead with solution based value.

So what is a RSS feed?

It is basically a way for regular reader to receive reminders or alerts when you publish a new blog post. I use Feedburner to manage all my blog feed updates. It?s free to sign up and all you need to do is create a code and update your RSS link to the feedburner one. Feedburner also has an email update script that you can use.

1. Log in to
2. click Publicize and then Email Subscriptions on teh left had sidebar
3. They will generate a code and then you can add it as a widget on your blog.
4. To edit your RSS widget login to your WordPress Admin and click Appearance
5. Go to Widgets, then click on RSS under available widget
6. Paste your email code in and then save the changes.

Your readers will now be able to subscribe for updates, when you add a new post and they will get an email or RSS message alerting them to check your blog out.

Ask any online marketer what their biggest regret was when they first go started. 95% of them will tell you they wish they would have started building their list sooner. Building a list is the most important asset in your business. Creating a list is powerful, creates momentum and it makes you money. Just imagine if you could drive 1000 people a day to your site and get 10% of them to subscribe to your email list or newsletter. This allows you to promote your brand, services and money making products for as long as they are on your list.

An email list s a great way to leverage your marketing efforts by promoting products to multiple people at once. What I do is create an auto responder series which automatically sends my subscribers an email every day that gives them tips, strategy and motivation that encourages them to build successful businesses online with less work. Then every once in a while I will promote a product or two that I think will help them make more money online. Don?t be scared to promote products to your email list from day one, after all you are in business to make money. You are a salesperson and if you want to eat, you need to make sales. If people opt out ? SO WHAT ? you only want people who are willing to spend money on your list anyways. Otherwise they are just taking up space and costing you money.

I have built my lists into the thousands and I always encourage people to ?give away? something of value ? something that helps your readers solve a problem. That is how you get opt-ins. Give people what they want. Think about what problems your target audience is facing. How can you help them. In the online marketing world the #1 solution people are looking for is how to drive more traffic and generate more lead via automated systems. So if you look at my opt in offer you?ll notice I am giving away a free report called Blog Traffic Bootcamp. You have to know your target market.

Your email list is like an ATM and if you focus on providing quality content and products, making money online is as easy as sending an email and watching hundreds, even thousands of dollars in commissions flood your accounts. For those of you who will be using your blog to earn money I recommend you look at getting yourself an auto responder to do this. I personally recommend Aweber which is an awesome service! If this is something that interests you, then set up your Aweber today and I will show you in the following emails how I make thousands of dollars from my mailing list.

To our success,

Andrea Bolder
Gold Medal Olympian & World Class Online Marketing Trainer

If any of this has gone straight over your head, then feel free to ask me a question in the comments sections and I?ll make sure you get your answers!



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